List of universities by your criteria

Showing 1 – 6 of over 6 results.

University of Americas (UDLA)

Ecuador, Quito

Master • 1

The University of the Americas of Ecuador , was founded in 1995 by a group of Chilean and Ecuadorian entrepreneurs . She is currently affiliated with the Laureate International Uni...

Admissions open
~ $594 / year

Pol. Agricultural College of Manabi (ESPAM)

Ecuador, Quito

Master • 1

In the ESPAM MFL were carried out incorporations of fourth and third level, an event that was held on April 7 in the Auditorium of the Environmental Career, in this important event...

Admissions open
~ $354 / year

metropolitan university

Ecuador, Quito

Master • 1

The Metropolitan University forms competitive professionals, leaders, bearers of solid convictions and ethical and moral values, capable of taking actions in function of the Nation...

Admissions open
~ $345 / year

Israel Technological University, Ecuador

Ecuador, Quito

Master • 1

Nosotros Historia La Universidad Tecnológica Israel (UISRAEL) nace en 1999 de la experiencia académica y profesional de dos institutos: el Instituto Tecnológico Israel y el Institu...

Admissions open
~ $450 / year

America Technological University (UNITA)

Ecuador, Quito

Technological University of America, Quito (UNITA) is located in Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. It is locally known as Universidad Tecnológica América. The university was established i...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

Pontif. Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE)

Ecuador, Quito

Master • 1

The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador is a Pontifical Catholic university founded in 1946 in Quito, Ecuador.

Admissions open
~ $897 / year

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