List of universities by your criteria
Showing 141 – 160 of over 205 results.
University Pontificia de México
Mexico, Metepec
The Universidad Pontificia de México is a private institution of higher education established by the Holy See and sponsored by the Roman Catholic Episcopate in Mexico.
Institute of Technology of San Luis Potosí
Mexico, San Luis Potosi
The Higher Technological Institute of San Luis Potosí, Capital (Tec Superior) is a public institution deconcentrated of superior education located in the city of San Luis Potosí. I...
Polytechnical University Tlaxcala
Mexico, Tepeyanco
At the Polytechnic University of Tlaxcala (UPTx) we train competent and innovative professionals with human quality and capacity to solve social needs through the application of th...
Technological Institute of El Llano de Aguascalientes
Mexico, Aguascalientes
Our study programs are designed so that all students, in addition to studying all the subjects covered by each course, perform their social service and their professional residence...
Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Mexico, Jalisco
Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education — distinct from the state University of Guadalajara — is a Jesuit university in the Western Mexican state of Jalisco
Technological Institute of Tacámbaro
Mexico, Tacambaro de Codallos
Tacámbaro is a Certified Institution of National and International Recognition, which promotes research, becoming a center of technology transfer and in which its graduates are gen...
University of Technology of Xicotepec de Juárez
Mexico, Ciudad Juarez
The management of the Technological University begins in 2001, when the Municipal President of Xicotepec de Juárez (1999-2002) and the Federal Deputy (2000-2003), independently pro...
Higher Technological Institute of Tepexi Rodriguez
Mexico, Puebla
On August 4, 1997 the Higher Technological Institute of Tepexi Rodriguez was founded. We are a technology community, who knows the challenges that globalization imposes immediate d...
Higher Institute of Technology of Progreso
We are an institution of Higher Education Technological responsible for the integral formation of competent human capital through the fulfillment of plans and programs of study of...
Technological Institute of Zamora
Mexico, Zamora
The Technological Institute of Zamora, also known by its acronym as ITESZ, is a public institution of higher education located in the city of Zamora de Hidalgo , Michoacán and is p...
Superior Technological Institute of Patzcuaro
Mexico, Celaya
Founded in 2009, Superior Technological Institute of Patzcuaro is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the small city of Celaya
University in Puebla, Mexico
Mexico, Puebla
University Institute Of Technology And Humanities, is a Mexican company of Puebla. Instituto Universitario De Tecnologia y Humanidades is a company dedicated to international trade...
Technological University of Southeast Veracruz
Mexico, Veracruz
The Technological University of Southeast Veracruz has the mission to train professionals who respond timely to the needs of the productive and social sector, through relevant educ...
Technological University of Southern Sonora
Mexico, Ciudad Obregon
The creation of the Technological University of Southern Sonora was a response to the felt needs of the population. The feasibility study carried out to support the decision to cre...
Technological Institute of San Juan del Rio
Mexico, San Juan del Rio
Established in 1988, Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río (Technological Institute of San Juan del Rio) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the smal...
Institute of Technology of Libres
Mexico, Libres
The Electromechanical Engineering graduate will possess leadership skills and entrepreneurial vision for the solution and prevention of problems, making innovations in the producti...
Institue of Technology of Motul
Mexico, Motul
The High Technological Institute of Motul is a decentralized public body of the State of Yucatan whose mission is to contribute to the integral and harmonious formation of professi...
Polytechnical University of Zacatecas
Mexico, Zacatecas
At the Universidad Politécnica de Zacatecas, we are committed to providing quality higher education through a comprehensive training centered on learning, based on work and profess...
Institute of Technology Xalapa
Mexico, Xalapa de Enriquez
This page contains information about the latest events and actions carried out by the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Xalapa, as well as the dissemination of general information...
Institute of Technology of San Andrés Tuxtla
Mexico, San Andres Tuxtla
Degrees Integrate the management, management, innovation and management strategies for the competitiveness and productivity of organizations, Apply the modern knowledge of business...