List of universities by your criteria
Showing 41 – 60 of over 156 results.
University La Salle Cuernavaca
Mexico, Cuernavaca
La Salle University Cuernavaca, aware of the importance of higher education institutions, expresses in this ideology its philosophy and the general objectives it proposes to serve...
University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas
Mexico, Villa Corzo
The University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas is positioned with a strong social recognition in the region for the pertinence of its academic offer, based on educational programs...
Banking and Commercial School
Mexico, Tuxtla
Escuela Bancaria y Comercial (EBC) is a higher education institution which markets itself as The Business School of Mexico. Since its establishment in 1929 by National Action Party...
University of León Mexico
Mexico, Guanajuato
The University of León emerged in April 1989, constituting the so-called University Education Complex by a group of people who cared about the young people of León who needed to st...
Institute of Sciences and Superior Studies of Tamaulipas
Mexico, Reynosa
On April 16, 1979, it was founded on the initiative of Carlos L. Dorantes del Rosal, M. E., the Institute of Sciences and Higher Studies of Tamaulipas, A. C., with more than 35 yea...
Technological University of Tabasco
Mexico, Tabasco
The subsystem to which the Technological University of Tabasco belongs (UTTAB) arises from a study carried out in 1990 on new schemes of higher education, in which the experiences...
Universidad España
Mexico, Victoria de Durango
The Autonomous University of Durango Spain or University Spain , is a private institution of higher education located in the city of Durango , Mexico . This university is known by...
Lucerne University
Mexico, Coacalco
The Lucerne University is the institution of higher education with the highest educational quality platform in the North Zone of the metropolitan area. Because of its recognized ac...
Autonomous University of Yucatan
Mexico, Merida
To divide the life of the University in two periods, 1922-1938 and 1938-1984, does not obey to the simple change of name of National University of the Southeast in the date of its...
Mesoamerican University of San Agustin
Mexico, Merida
The Mesoamerican University of San Agustín is a private institution of higher education located in the city of Mérida, Yucatán in Mexico. It is the first institution of private hig...
Autonomous University of Guadalajara
Mexico, Zapopan
The UAG was the First Private University that existed in the country and is leader in the field of education. This gives you the confidence that you will study your profession in a...
Madero University
Mexico, Cholula
Madero University has its origin in the Mexican Madero Institute and is an educational institution located in the city of Puebla, 120 kilometers from Mexico City, D.F. The Mexican...
University of the Valley of Tlaxcala
Mexico, Tzompantepec
The UVT will be the leading private university in the state of Tlaxcala, offering its students programs of high academic quality, relevant to the needs of society and including pro...
Universidad Internacional de América
Mexico, Ciudad Victoria
International University of the Americas (UIA) is an institution of Independent Higher Education University, of private character. It offers and promotes university education in th...
Autonomous University of Guerrero
Mexico, Chilpancingo
The Autonomous University of Guerrero is a young Institution, but at the same time it is in a constant state of transformation. Guerrero's greatest house of studies was born out of...
University of Los Altos de Chiapas
Mexico, San Cristobal de las Casas
Our mission is to train people through an educational model pertinent to the generation of leaders, congruent with thinking, saying and doing; With a human, ecological and service...
Private university in Xalapa, Mexico
Mexico, Xalapa de Enriquez
The Veracruz Institute of Higher Education, IVE, has the mission of achieving the certification of baccalaureate and higher education studies, based on creative self-learning. Offe...
University Mesoamericana Puebla
Mexico, Puebla
The University Mesoamericana Campus Puebla Sur, is a private institution of Higher Education that prepares its students to be responsible professionals and foster the development o...
American Isthmus University
Mexico, Coatzacoalcos
The American Isthmus University is a higher level Institution that provides educational services with quality through its academic programs and certified teaching staff to train pr...
University Center UTEG
Mexico, Guadalajara
The University Center UTEG is an educational institution with a deep social responsibility and a service approach. This institution is committed to continuous improvement by applyi...