Lista de programas según sus criterios
Mostrando 1 – 20 de más de 119 resultados.
Master of Arts
Francia, Besanzón
ISBA – Superior Institute of Fine Arts of Besançon/Franche-Comté is the only superior school of fine arts in Franche-Comté. Heir of a long history dating back to the 18th century w...
Master of Arts
Francia, Estrasburgo
The university emerged from a Lutheran humanist German Gymnasium, founded in 1538 by Johannes Sturm in the Free Imperial City of Strassburg. It was transformed to a university in 1...
Master of Arts
Francia, Lille
The Catholic University of Lille is building its work in higher education and research (ESR) and the degree of caution, at the suggestion of man and the Christian values that gov...
Master of Arts
Francia, París
The principal mission of the CNSAD is to provide specialized drama education in higher education and continuing education. This education includes the theoretical knowledge and the...
Master of Arts
Francia, Famars
In 1962 , opens an IUT in Mechanical Engineering. In 1964 , an antenna of the Faculty of Sciences of Lille was created in Famars. The raw materials are taught mechanics, metallurgy...
Master of Arts
Francia, Saint-Denis
The École nationale supérieure Louis-Lumière (ENS Louis-Lumière) is a school of cinema, photography and sound French since 2012 at the Cité du Cinema in Saint-Denis. This facility...
Master of Arts
Francia, Poitiers
The University of Poitiers (French: Université de Poitiers) is a university in Poitiers, France. It is a member of the Coimbra Group, as one of the oldest universities of Europe. A...
Master of Arts
Francia, Dijon
The University of Burgundy (uB) sinks its roots deep into the history of France. The origins of uB go back to the times of the French monarchy, with the founding of the Dijon facul...
Master of Arts
Francia, Angers
The University of Angers harks back to a very long history of universities in the city. By 1080, the “Studium” or the School of Angers was already a renowned scholarly institution....
Master of Arts
Francia, La Garde
Founded in 1968 and independently managed since January 1st, 2012, University of Toulon (UTLN) places the University's attractiveness at the core of its long-term strategic plan....
Master of Arts
Francia, Aviñón
If, over the centuries, several masters have taught their arts to selected pupils, it was not until 1801 that the first establishment in Sade, rue Dorée, was opened in 1801 Whose v...
Master of Arts
Francia, Saint-Étienne
Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne (Mines Saint-Etienne) (ENSMSE) is one of the French graduate engineering schools (Grandes Ecoles) training engineers and carrying out industry-orie...
Master of Arts
Francia, Dijon
The National School of Art of Dijon is the oldest of the seven national schools in the region. Drawing on the drawing studio of the painter François Devosge, founded in 1765, with...
Master of Arts
Francia, Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Located in the heart of the Euroregion, the University of Lille 3 is, by the number of its students, as well as the variety of disciplines that they teach the largest university in...
Master of Arts
Francia, Grenoble
The Valencia School of Art and Design or ESAD Valencia is a French higher education institution approved by the Ministry of Culture. ESAD Valencia is one of the fifty-six art schoo...
Master of Arts
Francia, Estrasburgo
La Haute école des arts du Rhin (HEAR) est née en janvier 2011 de la fusion des « Arts déco » - l'École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg (ESADS) - de l'École supérieure...
Master of Arts
Francia, Lyon
The National Conservatory of Music and Dance (CNSMD) in Lyon1 is a public administrative institution created by decree of 18 February 1980. The CNSMD in Lyon and the CNSMD in Paris...
Master of Arts
Francia, Tolosa de Francia
Cnam offers more than 300 professional training courses. Everyone can train at their own pace: on the spot, in the evening, during the day or in distance training. With the Cnam, p...
Master of Arts
Francia, Tolón
Created in 1899, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Toulon has been present in the history of the territory of the Var for more than a century, but today turns towards the problems of the...
Master of Arts
Francia, Pau
The Pyrenees - Pau Tarbes High School of Art offers professional training recognized in the European network of higher education. The ESA of the Pyrenees enjoys a varied artistic a...