Lista de programas según sus criterios
Mostrando 21 – 40 de más de 63 resultados.
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, El Havre
Founded in 1984, Le Havre Normandie University now has nearly 8,000 students. University of proximity, it is attentive to the reception and the human and professional promotion of...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, París
The PSB Paris School of Business (formerly ESG Management School) is a business school in Paris and Rennes (France), which offers BBA, MBA, MSc, DBA and executive education courses...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Lyon
Vatel was founded in 1981 because of one reality: the hospitality industry was thriving, with deep changes and brand globalization was at its very beginnings, as was an overturn in...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, París
ebs Paris has had a pioneering influence on the European model of education, educating international business leaders in the fields of marketing, trade, management, finance, commun...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Le Mans
Founded in 1977 and located 200 km west of Paris, the University of Maine is a multidisciplinary institution of 10,600 students on two campuses, Le Mans and Laval. With its 3 facul...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Tolosa de Francia
Founded in 1903 by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Toulouse, the school was the initial vocation for training competent managers for the needs of the local business communi...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, París
SKEMA Business School is a private establishment of higher education and research with the legal status of a non-profit association under the French "1901 law". SKEMA is a commun...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Ecully
On October 14th 1872, the School of Business of Lyon opened its doors to 75 pupils and 17 teachers in an 18th century building in the heart of Lyon. By 1875, the School had 118 pup...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Grenoble
Grenoble École de Management is a French leading business school. It was founded in 1984 in Grenoble, France by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Grenoble. The School offers...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Grenoble
For the past 30 years, Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has developed its role in France and abroad as a leader among French business schools. We have helped shape the future of...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Rennes
The world has become a “global village” where economies are closely interrelated, political, social and cultural dimensions tightly interwoven or openly confrontational. This bring...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Angers
Created in 1909 by the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of the West on the model of French Grandes Écoles, ESSCA is a European graduate school in France. It ha...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Pau
Le Groupe ESC Pau, Grande Ecole de Commerce et de Management, propose des formations de niveau Bac+2 à Bac+5, des 3ième cycles et de la Formation Continue : Marketing, Management,...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, París
The PGSM Business School Network, founded in 1975, is a private institution made up of six Business School Units (ESG, ESGCI, ESGF, ESGI, PSB, PPA), which are located in the heart...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Ecully
emlyon business school is a French leading business school. It was founded in Lyon, France in 1872 by the local business community, and is affiliated to the Lyon Chamber of Commerc...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Talence
KEDGE Business School is a French business school and grande école. Located in Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulon and Paris, the school is a merger between two business schools: BEM (ESC...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Versalles
Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (French: University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UVSQ) is a French public university created in 1991, located in the dep...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, París
The quest for academic excellence and international openness has always been the watchword of IFAM. The institute was founded in 1982 by Alain Joseph (ESCP, Maîtrise Sc Eco in Pari...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Niza
Heir to the famous Collegium jurisconsultorum niciensium created in 1639 by the Princes of Savoy and a school of Medicine whose teachings were appreciated throughout Europe from th...
Master of Finance & Banking
Francia, Clichy
The Luxury Hotelschool trains leaders in international and luxury hospitality. Join us for a Bachelor and Master of Science and become part of a network of thousands of alumni arou...