List of universities by your criteria

Mostrando 1 – 3 de más de 3 resultados.

Higher National School of Electronics and its Applications

Francia, Cergy

Doctorado • 1

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, ENSEA aims to train its students in engineering careers in the fields of electronics, embedded systems, tele...

Admisiones abiertas
~ 6632 US$ / año

ECAM-EPMI Graduate School of Engineering

Francia, Cergy

Doctorado • 1

ECAM-EPMI, Grande Ecole d’ingénieurs généraliste, a été créée en 1992 à l’initiative de 4 grands groupes industriels : EDF, SCHNEIDER, PHILIPS et PSA. Reconnue par l’Etat, Membre...

Admisiones abiertas
~ 7609 US$ / año

Université de Cergy-Pontoise

Francia, Cergy

The University of Cergy-Pontoise – UCP – is a national university along with 17 other national universities in the Paris area. The UCP is an attractive centre of teaching and resea...

Admisiones cerradas
~ 0 US$ / año

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