Bachelor programs in Multan

We found 92 Bachelor programs in Multan.

Multan – About the city

  • 8


  • 92


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $909

    Tuition fees

The population of the city is 1,437,230. Multan is number 7 in Pakistan by the number of universities available on There are 8 universities offering 92 Bachelor programs in Multan.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Pakistan

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Pakistan.

Pakistan – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $130


  • ~ $83


  • ~ $108


  • ~ $230


Pakistan – Where to earn a Bachelor degree?

The most popular universities in Multan.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Multan

Institute of Southern Punjab Multan

Pakistan, Multan

Bachelor • 14

Education at the Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan is state-of-the-art and holistic coupled with excellent facilities to promote moral values, self-discipline among students to...

Admissions open
~ $590 / year

Women University Multan

Pakistan, Multan

Bachelor • 21

provide for education in such branches of knowledge as it may deem fit, and make provisions for research, service to the society and for the application, advancement and disseminat...

Admissions open
~ $767 / year

Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture

Pakistan, Multan

Bachelor • 7

MNS University of Agriculture Multan is located at Old Shujaabad Road, Chungi No. 21, Sui Gas road, Multan, in the very fertile and productive area of Southern Punjab, Pakistan whi...

Admissions open
~ $300 / year

Multan Medical and Dental College

Pakistan, Multan

Bachelor • 5

Multan Medical and Dental College has been developed as a state of the art medical institution imparting accredited and approved medical education and research. Ibne-Seina Hospital...

Admissions open
~ $7,000 / year

Government College of Commerce Qasimpur Multan

Pakistan, Multan

Bachelor • 3

Govt. College of Commerce was established in 1959, as an intermediate college. at that time this college was known as "Chupper College". Mr. Shabbir Ahmad Siddiqi was its first pri...

Admissions open
~ $745 / year

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