Yangon – Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions
We found 2 universities offering 2 Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Yangon.
Study the Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Yangon
Years of study
~ $96
Tuition fees
Where can the Master of Museum Studies find employment?
The postgraduate having received an MA in Museum Studies finds work as a specialist in art history. Latterly, he/she can hold the position of the museum worker. If the graduate specialist wants to work in the private field they can become an organizer of exhibitions such as modern-day painters or work towards a Ph.D. to become a professor of Museum Studies.
Why you should obtain an MA in Museum Studies?
The analytics of the Free-Apply.com employment group recommend obtaining an MA in this field for the student, whose interests lie in museums and history. Importantly, a general knowledge concerning the arts is essential.
Myanmar, Yangon – Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions statistics
Free-Apply.com provides information about 2 Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 2 universities in Yangon, Myanmar. Furthermore, you can choose one of 2 Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 2 universities, 2 Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 2 universities, and 1 PhD program in Applied Sciences and Professions at 1 university.
Yangon – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Yangon.
100% discount for the 1st year
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