Taipei – Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions

We found 5 universities offering 5 Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Taipei.

Study the Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Taipei

  • 5


  • 5


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $1,572

    Tuition fees

Where can the Bachelor of Social Work have a career?

The BA in Social Work future careers includes governmental organizations, school or universities, as well as opportunities, to become social workers or psychologist. This specialisation is needed everywhere resultantly, there won't be any issues with finding a career.

Why should you obtain a degree in Social Work? analytics group recommends obtaining a degree in the field of social work for the person, who interests lie in social issues as well as the social behaviour patterns of people. Another plus of such work is social workers can obtain work in any establishment, so there won't be any problem with finding a suitable post for a postgraduate.

Taiwan, Taipei – Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions statistics provides information about 5 Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 5 universities in Taipei, Taiwan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 5 Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 5 universities, 3 Master programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 3 universities, and 3 PhD programs in Applied Sciences and Professions at 2 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Taiwan

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Taiwan.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Taipei 5 ~ $1,572 Search
Taichung 2 ~ $1,727 Search
Tainan 2 ~ $3,920 Search
Hualien City 2 ~ $1,339 Search
Kaohsiung 1 ~ $3,200 Search

Taipei – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Taipei.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Applied Sciences and Professions in Taipei, Taiwan

National Taiwan Normal University

Taiwan, Taipei

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) is a vibrant learning community that has long been recognized as one of Taiwan’s elite institutions of higher education. Founded in 1946, N...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare and Management

Taiwan, Taipei

Bachelor • 1

The school was founded by Archbishop Stanislaus Lo Kuang of the Taipei Archdiocese. In Asia, Thomas Tien Ken-Hsin was the first Archbishop who won the Pope’s appointment. For remem...

Admissions open
~ $1,703 / year

China University of Technology

Taiwan, Taipei

Bachelor • 1

China University of Technology, C.U.Te. for short, was founded in 1965. The school started as "Chinese Municipal Vocational School", a school specializing in the field of civil adm...

Admissions open
~ $1,666 / year

Aletheia University

Taiwan, Taipei

Bachelor • 1

Aletheia University, a private university founded by the Taiwan Christ Church in New North Freshwater, formerly known as Freshwater Business Administration. Aletheia's school name...

Admissions open
~ $1,600 / year

Chinese Culture University

Taiwan, Taipei

Bachelor • 1

The Chinese Culture University (CCU; Chinese: 中國文化大學) is a private Taiwanese university located in Yangmingshan in Shilin District, Taipei, Taiwan. CCU was established in 196...

Admissions open
~ $1,200 / year

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