Taipei – PhD programs in Transportation
We found 2 universities offering 2 PhD programs in Transportation in Taipei.
Study the PhD programs in Transportation in Taipei
Years of study
~ $1,679
Tuition fees
Where can a PhD in Transportation find a career?
Companies that hire doctorates in transportation include sales, government organizations, transport consultancies, freight and shipping companies, supply chain consultants. However, smaller companies hire masters in transportation management.
Why should one obtain a doctorate's degree in Transportation?
Analysts of company recommends obtaining a doctorate's degree in transportation due to high demand for doctorates in this field. The salary is high and therefore a great incentive for this career.
Taiwan, Taipei – PhD programs in Transportation statistics provides information about 2 PhD programs in Transportation at 2 universities in Taipei, Taiwan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 4 Bachelor programs in Transportation at 4 universities, 4 Master programs in Transportation at 4 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Transportation at 2 universities.
Taipei – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Taipei.
100% discount for the 1st year
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