Tainan – Bachelor programs in Culturology

We found 3 universities offering 3 Bachelor programs in Culturology in Tainan.

Study the Bachelor programs in Culturology in Tainan

  • 3


  • 3


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $4,611

    Tuition fees

What careers are available after obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies?

A Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies allows getting a job as a translator, an international marketing manager, a foreign correspondent, a diplomat, an international relations manager. Postgraduates of Asian Studies work for international businesses, government bodies, media companies and research institutes.

What are the reasons to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Asian Studies?

Free-Apply.com recommends completing a degree in Asian Studies for the reason that these postgraduates are essential for companies that have connections with the Asian market. A career in this discipline provides communication and opportunities to travel abroad.

Taiwan, Tainan – Bachelor programs in Culturology statistics

Free-Apply.com provides information about 3 Bachelor programs in Culturology at 3 universities in Tainan, Taiwan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 3 Bachelor programs in Culturology at 3 universities.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Taiwan

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Culturology in Taiwan.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Taipei 6 ~ $1,371 Search
Taichung 3 ~ $2,887 Search
Tainan 3 ~ $4,611 Search
Kaohsiung 3 ~ $2,228 Search
Hsinchu 1 ~ $1,340 Search
Hualien City 1 ~ $1,357 Search

Tainan – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Tainan.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Culturology in Tainan, Taiwan

Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science

Taiwan, Tainan

Bachelor • 1

Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science (CNU; Chinese: 嘉南藥理大學) is a private university in Rende District, Tainan, Taiwan. Its mission is to prepare professionals in the f...

Admissions open
~ $3,800 / year

Chang Jung Christian University

Taiwan, Tainan

Bachelor • 1

Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU; Chinese: 長榮大學) is a privately funded, research-intensive, Presbyterian, co-educational university located in Guiren District, Tainan, Tai...

Admissions closed
~ $9,200 / year

Tainan National University of the Arts

Taiwan, Tainan

Bachelor • 1

The School’s establishment was approved by the Executive Yuan in January, 1989. The preparatory office was established in 1993. The name Tainan National College of the Arts was off...

Admissions open
~ $834 / year

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