Hsinchu – Bachelor programs in Health
We found 1 university offering 1 Bachelor program in Health in Hsinchu.
Study the Bachelor programs in Health in Hsinchu
Years of study
~ $2,950
Tuition fees
What careers are available after obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Health Science?
A bachelor's in health science enables obtaining a position as a physical therapist, a medical technologist, a healthcare manager, a specialist in health education, a medical assistant, a medical laboratory technician. Health Science postgraduates work in hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical laboratories, health departments.
Why obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science?
Free-Apply.com advises completing a degree in Health Science on the grounds of a high demand for the medical specialist's worldwide. Health Science provides an opportunity to choose various positions in public health sector, healthcare management or clinician roles.
Taiwan, Hsinchu – Bachelor programs in Health statistics
Free-Apply.com provides information about 1 Bachelor program in Health at 1 university in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Health at 1 university and 1 Master program in Health at 1 university.
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Taiwan
The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Health in Taiwan.
Hsinchu – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Hsinchu.
100% discount for the 1st year
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