Singapore – PhD programs in Medicine
We found 2 universities offering 2 PhD programs in Medicine in Singapore.
Study the PhD programs in Medicine in Singapore
Years of study
~ $23,614
Tuition fees
Where can the PhD in Physiotherapy find an employment position?
PhD in Physiotherapy occupies positions in the private or public sector in the physiotherapy unit of a hospital, as well as occupying positions in a multidisciplinary, or specialized medical center. Physiotherapists find occupation in sanatoriums, holding positions such as physical therapist, nurse, medical specialist of disability evaluation, and test scheduler for physical therapy treatments.
Why should you obtain a PhD is degree in Physiotherapy? employment experts recommend gaining PhD degree in Physiotherapy, as this profession has career prospects and high salary that is one of the highest and opens new opportunities for employment.
Singapore, Singapore – PhD programs in Medicine statistics provides information about 2 PhD programs in Medicine at 2 universities in Singapore, Singapore. Furthermore, you can choose one of 3 Bachelor programs in Medicine at 3 universities, 1 Master program in Medicine at 1 university, and 2 PhD programs in Medicine at 2 universities.
Reasons to study in Singapore
No 3 in the world education ranking
No 8 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 2 in the world economy ranking
No 3 in the world safety ranking
Singapore – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $951
~ $999
~ $373
~ $2,985
Singapore – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Singapore.
100% discount for the 1st year
Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies