Singapore – Bachelor programs in Business
We found 26 universities offering 27 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Business in Singapore
Years of study
~ $9,123
Tuition fees
Who is the Bachelor of Agribusiness?
The person who has studied and received the BA in business can be called the bachelor in it. Agribusiness is a sphere in which lots of graduates want to work in. Agribusiness is connected to breeding, crop production (farming and contract farming), distribution, farm machinery, processing, and seed supply.
What subjects does the Bachelor of Agribusiness study?
The bachelor of Agribusiness graduate has received learning in multiple disciplines. As it is stated below the below in agribusiness needs to have the knowledge in the natural resource sphere and at the same time should be a graduate who has the ability to sell and knows how to behave with customers. For this reason, this graduate course includes customer behavior and will include subjects related to natural resource systems.
Singapore – Bachelor programs in Business statistics provides information about 27 Bachelor programs in Business at 26 universities in Singapore. Furthermore, you can choose one of 27 Bachelor programs in Business at 26 universities, 23 Master programs in Business at 22 universities, and 8 PhD programs in Business at 8 universities.
Reasons to study in Singapore
No 3 in the world education ranking
No 8 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 2 in the world economy ranking
No 3 in the world safety ranking
Singapore – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $951
~ $999
~ $373
~ $2,985
Singapore – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Singapore.
100% discount for the 1st year
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