Study in Yaounde

We found 42 universities in Yaounde.

Yaounde – About the city

The population of the city is 1,299,369. Yaounde is number 1 in Cameroon by the number of universities available on There are 42 universities offering 495 study programs in Yaounde.

Cameroon, Yaounde – Higher education system

The higher education system of Yaounde is represented by 42 universities, which offer 495 study programs. In addition 281 Bachelor programs at 40 universities, 174 Master programs at 34 universities, and 40 PhD programs at 10 universities.

The largest cities in Cameroon

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Cameroon.

Cameroon – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $68


Cameroon – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Yaounde.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular degree programs in Yaounde

The ICT University

Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 6 Master • 7 PhD • 5

Being a US-Based institution providing quality ICT and Managerial Human Capacity Development specially targeted for Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia, the ICT Universit...

Admissions open
~ $1,171 / year

Presbyterian Theological Seminary, PTS Kumba

Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 2 Master • 2

The Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a pastoral and academic institution serving the Lord Jesus Christ through his Church. Its mission is to train men and women for ministerial...

Admissions open
~ $345 / year

Tankou Group Higher Education

Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 11 Master • 10

For BrainPrepa Courses, progress is based on three essential steps that lead to success in competitions; These are the steps of success: anticipate, train, explain, frame. We acco...

Admissions open
~ $500 / year

Higher Institute of Technology

Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 8 Master • 7 PhD • 8

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSP) was created on June 4, 1971 to train technical staff and to develop its research to support the development of the country. Two...

Admissions open
~ $823 / year

University of Yaoundé I

Cameroon, Yaounde

Bachelor • 9 Master • 4

Created by Decree No. 93/036 of 29 January 1993, the University of Yaoundé I is a Public, Scientific and Cultural Institution with legal personality and financial autonomy. It is p...

Admissions open
~ $736 / year

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