Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Arts
We found 19 universities offering 19 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Arts in Cameroon
Years of study
~ $927
Tuition fees
What is the Bachelor's degree in Music?
The Bachelor's degree in Music caters for students who want careers as a composer, musician, music administrator, or a career connected with music. This degree offers studies in various specializations: Composition, Applied Music, Music Education, Jazz Studies, etc.
What subjects are taken by a graduate student of Music?
The subjects taken by a graduate of Music include studying music theory, playing music instruments, composing, recording and mixing music, as well as making arrangements of musical compositions. Studies include solo performing and performing in collaboration with ensembles. Students learn to operate and maintain technical equipment.
Cameroon – Bachelor programs in Arts statistics provides information about 19 Bachelor programs in Arts at 19 universities in Cameroon. Furthermore, you can choose one of 19 Bachelor programs in Arts at 19 universities, 15 Master programs in Arts at 15 universities, and 6 PhD programs in Arts at 6 universities.
Reasons to study in Cameroon
No 115 in the world education ranking
No 124 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 116 in the world economy ranking
No 137 in the world safety ranking
The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Arts in Cameroon
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Cameroon.
Cameroon – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $68
Cameroon – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Cameroon.
100% discount for the 1st year
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