Mali – Bachelor programs in Sports
We found 1 university offering 1 Bachelor program.
Study the Bachelor programs in Sports in Mali
Years of study
~ $0
Tuition fees
What is a Bachelor's degree in Tourism & Leisure?
Tourism and Leisure involve aspects of attracting, accommodating, entertaining tourists and residents, organizing travels and tours. A Bachelor's degree in Tourism and Leisure offers courses in marketing, hospitality and tourism management, leadership and administration, event planning, and nature tourism.
What are the duties of a graduate student of Tourism & Leisure?
The duties of a graduate student of Tourism and Leisure include organizing entertainment programs, planning travels, organizing flights and accommodation, meeting customers’ expectations, providing advice on travel options, making financial records, organizing travel group tours.
Mali – Bachelor programs in Sports statistics provides information about 1 Bachelor program in Sports at 1 university in Mali. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Sports at 1 university.
Reasons to study in Mali
No 145 in the world education ranking
No 123 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 122 in the world economy ranking
No 136 in the world safety ranking
Mali – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $0
Mali – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Mali.
100% discount for the 1st year
Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies