Bachelor programs in Geneve

We found 75 Bachelor programs in Geneve.

Geneve – About the city

  • 13


  • 75


  • 3–4

    Years of study

  • ~ $21,245

    Tuition fees

The population of the city is 183,981. Geneve is number 1 in Switzerland by the number of universities available on There are 13 universities offering 75 Bachelor programs in Geneve.

Geneve – What Bachelor program to choose?

The most popular Bachelor disciplines in Geneve.

The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Switzerland

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Switzerland.

Switzerland – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $934


  • ~ $1,149


  • ~ $641


  • ~ $4,882


Switzerland – Where to earn a Bachelor degree?

The most popular universities in Geneve.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular Bachelor programs in Geneve

UBIS Global

Switzerland, Geneve

Bachelor • 4

(UBIS) is a private international university. UBIS provides high-quality education, following both an American and Western European style, with an emphasis on addressing the inters...

Admissions open
~ $17,155 / year

International Institute in Geneva

Switzerland, Geneve

Bachelor • 5

Every year, the Institute welcomes new students contributing to a student body from more than sixty countries and a wide range of interests, as well as diverse social, economic, et...

Admissions open
~ $39,160 / year

IFM Business School, Geneva

Switzerland, Geneve

Bachelor • 4

Established in 1971, IFM Business School (IFM University) is an accredited and innovative institution located in the heart of Geneva, Switzerland. IFM specialises in helping studen...

Admissions open
~ $33,485 / year

Webster University Geneva

Switzerland, Geneve

Bachelor • 13

For the past 100 years, Webster University has been attracting students from around the world in search of a first-class higher education. Established in Geneva, Switzerland in 19...

Admissions open
~ $34,335 / year

SWISS UMEF University of Applied Sciences Institute

Switzerland, Geneve

Bachelor • 7

SWISS UMEF University of Applied Sciences institute was founded in Geneva on April 26, 1984, by Professor Marc-François Maret. Officially accredited by the Swiss Council of Accred...

Admissions open
~ $20,318 / year

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