Switzerland – Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies
We found 3 universities offering 3 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies in Switzerland
Years of study
~ $15,397
Tuition fees
What is a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences?
Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary field that includes biology, ecology, soil science, oceanology, geology, climate studies, etc. A Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science involves obtaining theoretical knowledge and skills in analyzing environmental information for the purpose of assessing the state of the environment and taking measures.
What are the undertakings of a graduate student of Environmental Sciences?
The undertakings of a graduate student of Environmental Science include collecting and analyzing environmental data, assessing pollution levels of ground, water and air, developing environmental strategies and measures of environmental protection, monitoring recycling processes, providing advice on environmental issues.
Switzerland – Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies statistics
Free-Apply.com provides information about 3 Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies at 3 universities in Switzerland. Furthermore, you can choose one of 3 Bachelor programs in Environmental Studies at 3 universities, 3 Master programs in Environmental Studies at 3 universities, and 1 PhD program in Environmental Studies at 1 university.
Reasons to study in Switzerland
No 2 in the world education ranking
No 10 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 4 in the world economy ranking
No 13 in the world safety ranking
Switzerland – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $934
~ $1,149
~ $641
~ $4,882
Switzerland – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in Switzerland.
100% discount for the 1st year
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