Mersin – Master programs in Philology

We found 1 university offering 1 Master program in Philology in Mersin.

Study the Master programs in Philology in Mersin

  • 1


  • 1


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $3,404

    Tuition fees

Where can a Master in Language Studies find a career?

Master in Language Studies finds positions in different organizations and companies, such as international political organizations, embassies, governments, international student programs, schools, airlines and many others. Job positions include an interpreter, translator, and broadcast journalist, English as a foreign language and secondary school teacher, tutor, diplomatic service and international development officer, sales executive, and tour manager.

Why one should obtain a Master's degree in Language Studies?

Analysts of company recommends obtaining a degree in language studies to gain and develop skills suitable for various careers. Also, many specialists with master's degree in language studies are able to travel abroad to study and work.

Turkey, Mersin – Master programs in Philology statistics provides information about 1 Master program in Philology at 1 university in Mersin, Turkey. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Master program in Philology at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Turkey

The largest cities offering Master programs in Philology in Turkey.

Turkey – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $357


  • ~ $150


  • ~ $162


  • ~ $426


Mersin – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Mersin.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies

Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Philology in Mersin, Turkey

Çağ University

Turkey, Mersin

Master • 1

Although we are within the borders of the province of Mersin, It is actually 19 km away from Adana and 38 km away from Mersin. Our university is located in the Yenice area of ​​Tar...

Admissions open
~ $3,404 / year

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