France – Bachelor programs in Hospitality
We found 9 universities offering 14 Bachelor programs.
Study the Bachelor programs in Hospitality in France
Years of study
~ $11,862
Tuition fees
What is a Bachelor's degree in Hotel Management?
The program of a bachelor's degree in hotel management offers courses in Management, Administration, Service Rooms Division, combined with Applied IT, Tourism, also Business, etc. Hotel managers organize and supervise all the hospitality actions.
What are the tasks of a graduate student of Hotel Management?
The tasks of a graduate student of Hotel Management include providing the hospitality, meeting customer expectations, along with supervising staff, communicating with suppliers and customers, as well as managing the budget, handling administration, plus controlling the implementation of hygiene and safety rules.
France – Bachelor programs in Hospitality statistics provides information about 14 Bachelor programs in Hospitality at 9 universities in France. Furthermore, you can choose one of 14 Bachelor programs in Hospitality at 9 universities, 12 Master programs in Hospitality at 12 universities, and 3 PhD programs in Hospitality at 3 universities.
Reasons to study in France
No 29 in the world education ranking
No 20 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 30 in the world economy ranking
No 31 in the world safety ranking
The largest cities offering Bachelor programs in Hospitality in France
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in France.
France – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $405
~ $599
~ $365
~ $2,128
France – Where to study?
The most popular student cities in France.
100% discount for the 1st year
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