Bratislava – Master programs in Military Science

We found 1 university offering 1 Master program in Military Science in Bratislava.

Study the Master programs in Military Science in Bratislava

  • 1


  • 1


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $854

    Tuition fees

Where can a Master in Military Science find a career?

Masters can work in healthcare establishments, HEI, military forces and governmental organizations. Professionals can hold a position of a military theorist, researcher or officer, engineer or technician in a laboratory.

Why hold a degree of Master in Military Science?

Analysts of company recommend obtaining the master’s degree because of its top positions in the list of best careers. The degree offers job security, high wages along with retirement packages.

Slovakia, Bratislava – Master programs in Military Science statistics provides information about 1 Master program in Military Science at 1 university in Bratislava, Slovakia. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Military Science at 1 university, 1 Master program in Military Science at 1 university, and 1 PhD program in Military Science at 1 university.

Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Slovakia

The largest cities offering Master programs in Military Science in Slovakia.

City Universities Tuition fees Action
Bratislava 1 ~ $854 Search

Slovakia – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $174


  • ~ $412


  • ~ $209


  • ~ $882


Bratislava – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Bratislava.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies

Universities offering the most popular Master programs in Military Science in Bratislava, Slovakia

Police Academy in Bratislava

Slovakia, Bratislava

Master • 1

The transformation of our company after 1990 greatly affected the project preparation for the establishment of a university whose mission is arranging for the preparation of univer...

Admissions open
~ $854 / year

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