Pelotas – Master programs in Political Science
We found 2 universities offering 2 Master programs in Political Science in Pelotas.
Study the Master programs in Political Science in Pelotas
Years of study
~ $980
Tuition fees
Where can a Master in Community Development find a career?
Masters in Community Development find positions in community development projects, local authorities, social services, rural community councils and health organizations. Popular careers for postgraduates are regional or executive director, chief development officer, policy director, and special events manager.
Why should one obtain a Master's degree in Community Development? company analysts recommend obtaining a master's degree in Community Development due to a rising demand for professionals in this field.
Brazil, Pelotas – Master programs in Political Science statistics provides information about 2 Master programs in Political Science at 2 universities in Pelotas, Brazil. Furthermore, you can choose one of 1 Bachelor program in Political Science at 1 university, 2 Master programs in Political Science at 2 universities, and 2 PhD programs in Political Science at 2 universities.
Reasons to study in Brazil
No 91 in the world education ranking
No 70 in the world ease of doing business ranking
No 77 in the world economy ranking
No 86 in the world safety ranking
Higher education statistics of the largest cities in Brazil
The largest cities offering Master programs in Political Science in Brazil.
Brazil – Average monthly personal finance statistics
~ $99
~ $237
~ $159
~ $472
Pelotas – Where to study?
The most popular universities in Pelotas.
100% discount for the 1st year
Apply now and get a 100% tuition fee discount for the first year of studies