Study in Huancayo

We found 3 universities in Huancayo.

Huancayo – About the city

The population of the city is 376,657. Huancayo is number 5 in Peru by the number of universities available on There are 3 universities offering 77 study programs in Huancayo.

Peru, Huancayo – Higher education system

The higher education system of Huancayo is represented by 3 universities, which offer 77 study programs. In addition 27 Bachelor programs at 3 universities, 38 Master programs at 3 universities, and 12 PhD programs at 3 universities.

The largest cities in Peru

Higher education statistics for the largest cities in Peru.

Peru – Average monthly personal finance statistics

  • ~ $249


  • ~ $280


  • ~ $182


  • ~ $432


Peru – Where to study?

The most popular universities in Huancayo.

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100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular degree programs in Huancayo

National University of Central Peru

Peru, Huancayo

Bachelor • 20 Master • 18 PhD • 8

The National University of the Center of Peru, today with new authorities is characterized by permanent research for educational development and professional level. To this end, re...

Admissions open
~ $1,392 / year

Continental University

Peru, Huancayo

Bachelor • 6 Master • 9 PhD • 2

We are the Continental University, a dynamic university that, through a stimulating, experimental and collaborative educational ecosystem, forms leaders with an entrepreneurial min...

Admissions open
~ $1,940 / year

Instituto Continental

Peru, Huancayo

Bachelor • 1 Master • 11 PhD • 2

In the Continental Institute we have been committed to the same purpose for three decades: to offer a quality education that gives our graduates access to more opportunities. We st...

Admissions open
~ $758 / year

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