Master in Translation & Interpreting

We found 805 programs worldwide.

About the Master in Translation & Interpreting

  • 805


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $4,589

    Annual tuition fees

  • ~ $4,800,000

    Annual salary

Who is a Master in Translation & Interpreting?

A Master in Translation & Interpreting is a graduate who studies different languages which includes the pronunciation, grammar, and literature. Graduates must be capable of understanding the topic of their work, whilst knowing a huge number of expressions in both languages, as well as speak them coherently and fluently.

What are the main duties of a Master in Translation & Interpreting?

Students with Master's degree in Translation & Interpreting convert a phrase in one language to a similar one in another language, read fluently, speak coherently and understand both of the working languages. Graduates must keep the style and the sense of the original version in order to succeed.

Where can a Master in Translation & Interpreting find a career?

Graduates holding a Translation & Interpreting degree can work in many places, the most noted areas of employment are government organizations that host foreign delegations, private companies that communicate with the other foreign firms. Translator & Interpreters have an opportunity to work from home.

Why should you obtain a degree in Translation & Interpreting?

Analysts of company recommend obtaining this degree, as organizations have relations with companies from outside of their home country. The need of a qualified postgraduate that can translate is high. The ability to work from home is an added advantage.

Master in Translation & Interpreting – Where to study?

The most popular countries.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular programs in Master in Translation & Interpreting

Emirates College of Technology

United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi

Located at the heart of the rapidly evolving Abu Dhabi city, the Emirates College of Technology was established in 1993 following recognition by the United Arab Emirates Ministry o...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

Amity University Dubai

United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Established more than twenty five years ago, the Amity Education Group is a leading education group today, offering globally benchmarked education right from pre-schools to Ph.D. l...

Admissions closed
~ $0 / year

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