Master of Laws

We found 3,692 programs worldwide.

About the Master of Laws

  • 3,692


  • 1–2

    Years of study

  • ~ $4,905

    Annual tuition fees

  • ~ $11,900,000

    Annual salary

What is a Master's degree in Laws (LLM)?

A Master's degree in Laws (LLM) is a postgraduate degree which focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a specialized area of law. A Master of Laws offers diverse specializations including Traditional LLM, Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law, Cyber-security Law, Environmental Law, and Taxation.

What are the duties of a postgraduate of a Master’s degree in Laws?

The duties of a laws postgraduate depend on the chosen career option. In general, lawyers analyze and work with legislative documentation and archives, provide advice on legal issues, gather evidence, represent clients in court, protect human rights and clients’ interests, and supervise legal assistants.

What careers are available after completing a Master program in Laws?

A master’s degree in Laws allows entering Doctor of Law degree with the purpose of starting a career as a scientist or a professor. A postgraduate of LLM can get such law jobs as a lawyer, a legal adviser, a patent attorney, a judge, a trademark attorney, a compliance specialist, an usher, a litigation support professional, a jury consultant.

What is the motivation to complete a Master’s degree in Laws? recommends completing a master’s degree in Laws on the grounds that legislative field is a prestigious area; furthermore, an LLM degree may increase career prospects. A Master’s program in Laws is aimed to develop students’ knowledge in specialized laws area.

Master of Laws – Where to study?

The most popular countries.

100% discount for the 1st year


100% discount for the 1st year

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Universities offering the most popular programs in Master of Laws

Russian-Tajik Slavonic University

Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Master • 1

Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University (RTSU) - is the first inter-state institution of higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation and has the status of...

Admissions open
~ $455 / year

Tajik State University of Law, Business & Politics

Tajikistan, Khujand

Master • 1

Tajik State University of Law, Business, & Politics - TSULBP (Original: Донишгоҳи Давлатии Ҳуқуқ, Бизнес, ва Сиёсати Тоҷикистон - ДДҲБСТ) is one of several state-funded, five-year...

Admissions open
~ $937 / year

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