List of programs by your criteria

Showing 1 – 14 of over 14 results.

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Gent

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

The college building is a Catholic college . The college building in Ghent offers several bachelor degree programs, as well as bachelor-after-bachelor programs, postgraduate and re...

Admissions open
~ $258 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Brussels

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

The university college vzw Odisee is the result of a merger between two Flemish university colleges, Hogeschool‑Universiteit Brussel (HUB) and Katholieke Hogeschool Sint‑Lieven (KA...

Admissions open
~ $1,021 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Namur

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

La Haute École de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg compte plus de 6000 étudiants répartis sur dix sites, en Province de Namur, à Liège et en Province de Luxembourg. Elle propose un éventail...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

The University of Liège (abbreviated ULg), is a Belgian public and pluralistic university located in Liège. Founded in 1817 in the buildings of the former Jesuit college, the unive...

Admissions open
~ $397 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Gent

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

De Hogeschool Gent, kortweg HoGent, is een van de 17 Vlaamse hogescholen. Ze ontstond in 1995 bij de hervorming van het hoger onderwijs in Vlaanderen uit een fusie van dertien onde...

Admissions open
~ $945 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Kortrijk

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

VIVES University College, with its modern and competence-based higher education, its innovative practical research, and its services provided to society, offers an adequate respons...

Admissions open
~ $509 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Namur

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

Développer vos compétences, construire votre projet professionnel avec le soutien d’une équipe pédagogique et administrative à l’écoute de vos besoins : en vous inscrivant à la Hau...

Admissions open
~ $876 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Brussels

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

La Haute École Léonard de Vinci (Vinci) est un établissement d'enseignement situé essentiellement à Bruxelles et à Louvain-la-Neuve. Elle propose des formations dans ces six catégo...

Admissions open
~ $713 / year

Bachelor of Nursing


Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

The Erasmushogeschool Brussel (English name: Erasmus University College Brussels) is an institute of higher education based in Brussels, Belgium. Like the EU student exchange prog...

Admissions open
~ $5,340 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Antwerpen

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

The founders of Karel de Grote College wanted, literally, a school name. The choice fell on Karel de Grote (742-814), a European figure that was a great European empire and thus br...

Admissions open
~ $910 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Brussels

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

At the heart of Brussels, the Haute Ecole Galilée trains professionals in communication and journalism, office management and tourism, health care and education committed, competen...

Admissions open
~ $983 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Liege

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

La Haute Ecole HELMo est une institution d'enseignement supérieur qui propose des formations dans les domaines pédagogique, paramédical, social, technique et économique. La premièr...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Geel

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen is a University College with eleven departments and more than 6,400 students. KH Kempen University College has always been an impulse for regional deve...

Admissions open
~ $1,000 / year

Bachelor of Nursing

Belgium, Hasselt

Bachelor Nursing 3 years Full-time

Hogeschool PXL telt 22 basisopleidingen (19 professionele bacheloropleidingen,3 masters), 5 bachelor-na-bacheloropleidingen, 1 specifieke lerarenopleiding en 20 postgraduaten. Dez...

Admissions open
~ $868 / year

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