List of universities by your criteria
Showing 41 – 60 of over 62 results.
Preparing School of Science and Techniques in Annaba
Algeria, Annaba
The Annaba Science and Technology Preparatory School has just migrated to the Higher School of Industrial Technologies in Annaba. From now on, we not only prepare students for entr...
Mohamed Boudiaf University of Science and Technology of Oran
Algeria, Es Senia
The University of Sciences and Technology of Oran (USTO) shares many of the characteristics of the world’s known universities. It is one of the largest education and research-based...
Preparing School for Science and Techniques in Algiers
Algeria, Algiers
The Preparatory School for Science and Technology of Algiers was created by Executive Decree No. 09-22 of 23 Muharram 1430 corresponding to 20 January 2009. Its opening to the new...
University Center Hassiba Benbouali
Algeria, Chlef
Founded in 1983, Université Hassiba Ben Bouali de Chlef (University of Chlef) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large city of Chlef (population ran...
Polytechnic National School of Constantine
Algeria, Constantine
The Nationale Polytechnical School of Constantine is an institution of higher education resulting from the support program for the quality of higher education in Algeria. Located...
Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem
Algeria, Mostaganem
Founded in 1978, it now has some 28,000 students and 830 teaching staff. The institution was established as an institute of agricultural technology in 1969. It comprises eight facu...
National School of Administration
Algeria, Algiers
The National School of Administration ( ENA ), known as the ÉNA in Algiers, is a large Algerian school created in 1964 to train design cadres and senior officials for the administr...
National High School of Hydraulics
Algeria, Blida
Established in 1972, École Nationale Supérieure d'Hydraulique (National School of Hydraulic Engineering, Blida) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the t...
National School of Public Works
Established in 1966, École Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics (National School of Public Works) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large city...
Saad Dahlab University of Blida
Structuring of BLADA's Saad Dahlab University The University Center of Blida (BC), was established by Decree No. 77-92 of June 20, 1977. implanted on a retroceded site, datin...
National Polytechnic of Oran
Algeria, Oran
Revised in 1970 by Ordinance No. 70-85 of 01 December 1970 under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the result of a collaboration between...
University of Algiers Benyoucef Benkhedda
Algeria, Algiers
The University of Algiers stemmed out of various higher-education institutions created in the 19th century under the French colonial rule : medersas founded in 1850 to train the Mu...
National Institute of Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies
Algeria, Oran
1964: Establishment of the National School of Telecommunications in Algiers, which helped support specialized training, but the inadequate capacity of this school does not meet the...
Higher National Veterinary School
Algeria, Algiers
Higher National Veterinary School is a public institution of higher learning founded in Algeria in 1970, by Presidential Decree No. 65-69 of March 11, 1965. It is located in Hacène...
National School in Computer Science
Established in 1969, École Nationale Supérieure en Informatique (National School in Computer Science) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban s...
Houari Boumediène University of Science and Technology
Algeria, Algiers
The University of Science and Technology – Houari Boumediene is a university located in the town of Bab-Ezzouar 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) from Algiers, Algeria. The university was des...
The National Institute of Cartography and Remote Sensing
The institute is a Public Establishment with Industrial and Commercial Character under the economic sector of the Ministry of National Defense. Created in 1967; the INCT has for pr...
University Of Bordj Bou Arreridj
The first nucleus of the Bordj-Bou-Arreridj University Annex was built as of 15 July 2000 and was run by Professor CHELALI Nacer. It was annexed to Ferhat Abbas University of Sétif...
Messaadia Mohamed Chérif University of Souk-Ahras
Algeria, Souk Ahras
Founded in 1998, Université Mohamed-Chérif Messaadia Souk Ahras (University of Souk Ahras) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large town of Souk Ahr...
University center of El Bayadh
Algeria, El Bayadh
The university center of ELBAYADH was built according to Executive Decree N. 10-2014 which dates from 09 September 2010. It responds to the need for local development that the stat...