List of universities by your criteria
Showing 1 – 10 of over 10 results.
Technical University of Ambato (UTA)
Ecuador, Ambato
The Technical University of Ambato is created by Law No. 69-05 of April 18, 1969, as a community of teachers, students and workers. The Technical University of Ambato, the first s...
University of Azuay
Ecuador, Cuenca
The University of Azuay was born in 1968 and has its headquarters in the city of Cuenca, capital of the province of Azuay. In its beginnings it was part, first, of the Catholic Uni...
University of Guayaquil (UG)
Ecuador, Guayaquil
Founded in 1867, Universidad de Guayaquil (University of Guayaquil) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the large city of Guayaquil (population range of...
Technical University of Manabi
Ecuador, Portoviejo
Constituted at its first session on April 22, 1952, the Pro-University of Manabi Board elected its dignitaries and officials, who assumed the task assigned to it by the Assembly on...
State Polytechnical University of Carchi (UPEC)
Ecuador, Tulcan
The State Polytechnic University of Carchi is a public and accredited higher education institution that satisfies social demands through graduate and postgraduate training, researc...
Polytechnical College of Chimborazo (ESPOCH)
Ecuador, Riobamba
Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) has its origin in the Chimborazo Higher Technological Institute, established by Law No.6090, issued by the National Congress on April 18,...
International University of Ecuador
Ecuador, Quito
International University of Ecuador, Quito (UIDE) is located in Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. It is locally known as Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. The university was establis...
America Technological University (UNITA)
Ecuador, Quito
Technological University of America, Quito (UNITA) is located in Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador. It is locally known as Universidad Tecnológica América. The university was established i...
Alfredo Perez Guerrero University (UNAP)
Ecuador, Quito
Universidad Alfredo Pérez Guerrero UNAP is a private university based in Quito. The purpose of the university is to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country thro...
University of Cuenca
Ecuador, Cuenca
The University of Cuenca, formerly also called State University of Cuenca, is an Ecuadorian public university located in the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay. Created officially b...