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Showing 1 – 5 of over 5 results.
Master of Psychology
Italy, Rome
The Niccolò Cusano University, often simply abbreviated as "UNICUSANO" is a private university founded in 2006 in Rome, Italy. The Niccolò Cusano University was founded by Stefano...
Master of Psychology
Italy, Rome
The Pontifical Faculty of Auxilium Education Sciences is an ecclesiastical faculty canonically erected at the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It promotes education in the fie...
Master of Psychology
Italy, Rome
UNINETTUNO is born from the teaching model NETTUNO network for the University Anywhere, a consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities, with which, since 1992, thousands of st...
Master of Psychology
Italy, Rome
The European University of Rome (EUR) is a private, legally recognized*, university that has ben releasing, for 10 years, academic qualifications with legal value: Bachelor’s Degre...
Master of Psychology
Italy, Rome
Pontifical University of the Salesian contributed to the Salesian Society of St. Giovanni Bosco and canonical was built next to him by the Sacred Congregation for seminaries and un...