Lista de programas según sus criterios
Mostrando 241 – 260 de más de 332 resultados.
PhD in Beverage Studies
Argentina, Rosario
The University of the Latin American Educational Center is a for-profit private university based in Rosario, Argentina. Established in 1993, it was the first Methodist-related univ...
PhD in Pharmacy
Argentina, Mendoza
On 4th May, 1960, The University Juan Agustín Maza was born as a civil society without means of profits, whose motif, “Horno res sacra homini” (The man is sacred for the man), was...
PhD in Sociology
Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán
On May 25, 1914, the University of Tucumán was officially inaugurated. The rector-founder and fundamental manager was Dr. Juan B. Terán, who affirmed that "like any intellectual fo...
PhD in Earth Sciences
Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán
On May 25, 1914, the University of Tucumán was officially inaugurated. The rector-founder and fundamental manager was Dr. Juan B. Terán, who affirmed that "like any intellectual fo...
Argentina, San Martin
Universidad Nacional de San Martín is an Argentinian State University, created in 1992 and has become a privileged space and a leader in academic training, research, cultural devel...
PhD in Education
Argentina, Buenos Aires
It was created on 7 as June as 1995 by national law 24,496. 1 It began its academic activity in a building of the street Havana 568, in Valentín Alsina , ceded in comodato by the F...
PhD in Health
Argentina, Ciudad de La Rioja
La Universidad Nacional de La Rioja es una institución pública y gratuita de educación superior que desarrolla sus actividades bajo el régimen de autarquía y autonomía que le otorg...
PhD in Health
Argentina, Mendoza
On 4th May, 1960, The University Juan Agustín Maza was born as a civil society without means of profits, whose motif, “Horno res sacra homini” (The man is sacred for the man), was...
Natural Sciences
Argentina, San Martin
Universidad Nacional de San Martín is an Argentinian State University, created in 1992 and has become a privileged space and a leader in academic training, research, cultural devel...
PhD in Psychology
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The National University of Mar del Plata (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, UNMdP) is an Argentine national university located in the Atlantic Ocean-front city of Mar...
PhD in Agriculture
Argentina, Ciudad de Corrientes
The National University of the Northeast (UNNE) is a public university of Argentina with rectorate in the city of Corrientes and vicerrectorado in Resistencia, provinces of Corrien...
PhD in Management
Argentina, Rosario
The University of the Latin American Educational Center is a for-profit private university based in Rosario, Argentina. Established in 1993, it was the first Methodist-related univ...
PhD in Economics
Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán
On May 25, 1914, the University of Tucumán was officially inaugurated. The rector-founder and fundamental manager was Dr. Juan B. Terán, who affirmed that "like any intellectual fo...
PhD in Humanities
Argentina, Herradura
Año 1988 Creación de la Universidad Nacional de Formosa Por Ley Nº 23.631 del 24 de septiembre de 1988 se crea la Universidad Nacional de Formosa; así se inicia el proceso de tran...
PhD in Psychology
Argentina, Buenos Aires
The University Institute of Mental Health was created by the Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires. IUSAM is dedicated to teaching, training professionals and research in the...
PhD in Accounting
Argentina, Bahía Blanca
headquarters in Bahía Blanca, south of the Province of Buenos Aires. It was founded by decree-law No. 1541 on January 5, 1956. In conjunction with the National University of Buenos...
PhD in Philosophy
Argentina, Ciudad de Santa Fe
La Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) es una universidad pública argentina con sede en la Ciudad de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe; fue creada durante la dictadura del Gral. Jua...
PhD in Biomedicine
Argentina, Rosario
The University Institute of the Grand Rosary (IUGR) is an educational institution dedicated to the production of knowledge and the training of professionals with a transdisciplinar...
PhD in Law & Jurisprudence
Argentina, Bahía Blanca
headquarters in Bahía Blanca, south of the Province of Buenos Aires. It was founded by decree-law No. 1541 on January 5, 1956. In conjunction with the National University of Buenos...
PhD in Pharmacy
Argentina, San Miguel de Tucumán
On May 25, 1914, the University of Tucumán was officially inaugurated. The rector-founder and fundamental manager was Dr. Juan B. Terán, who affirmed that "like any intellectual fo...