List of universities by your criteria
Mostrando 1 – 20 de más de 26 resultados.
University of Antofagasta
Chile, Antofagasta
The University of Antofagasta forged its history together with the northern part of Chile and its main industry: mining. In 1918, the Saltra industrial school was created to meet t...
University of Concepcion
Chile, Concepción
At the end of 1918, Don Enrique Molina left the trip to the US on behalf of the Government of Chile to study the university systems of this northern country, resulting in the presi...
University of La Frontera
Chile, Temuco
Located in Chile, La Araucanía Region, the University of La Frontera (UFRO) is an institution of public and state higher education, considered among the best in the country, for it...
University of Santiago
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The University of Santiago de Chile (Usach or UdeSantiago) is a public university in Chile, belonging to the Consortium of State Universities of Chile and the Council of Rectors of...
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded on June 21, 1888 by Monsignor Mariano Casanova, Archbishop of Santiago. His goal was to create an institution capable of bl...
University of Development
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The University of Development is an autonomous private university in Chile. It has offices in Concepción and Santiago, specifically in the communes of Las Condes and Lo Barnechea....
University of La Serena
Chile, Coquimbo
The University of La Serena is a regional university of the State of Chile, committed to the Region of Coquimbo, which focuses its work in the areas of science, technology, humanit...
Catholic University of the North
Chile, Antofagasta
The Catholic University of the North (until 1990, University of the North) was founded on May 31, 1956 by the Company of Jesus, thanks to a testamentary assignment of Berta Gonzale...
Universidad Pedro de Valdivia
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The academic area of the UPV's mission is to ensure students an integral professional education, which fosters ethical thinking and a critical and participative vision, in an env...
University of Chile
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The University of Chile is an institution of higher education of national and public character of Chile, created by law of 19 of November of 1842, and installed the 17 of September...
University of Viña del Mar
Chile, Viña del Mar
Viña del Mar University (UVM) is a private, autonomous Chilean university, belonging to the group of international universities Laureate International Universities, and recognized...
San Sebastián University
Universidad San Sebastián (USS, St. Sebastian University) is a private autonomous Chilean university with its headquarters situated in Santiago de Chile. It is also located in Conc...
The University of Major
The Universidad Mayor is an institution of higher education, open and independent, committed to the training of educated and enterprising professionals, as well as to the preservat...
University of Arts, Sciences and Communication
UNIACC University, acronym for University of Arts, Sciences and Communication, is a private Chilean university not accredited by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA-Chile) ....
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Chile, Santiago de Chile
U. Alberto Hurtado was created on October 20, 1997 by the Society of Jesus. In a context marked by enormous socio-cultural transformations, the idea was to offer the country an edu...
Pacific university
The graduates constitute a very important part of the alma mater, of the spirit of the University of the Pacific; In practice, it is those who constitute the "University" in the wo...
Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Adolfo Ibáñez University is an academic, non-profit community, born of the Business School of Valparaiso. It was created in 1953 by the Adolfo Ibáñez Foundation, depositary of the...
Gabriela Mistral University
Gabriela Mistral University is an academic community animated by the orientations and life of the Catholic Church which, in the light of faith and with the effort of reason, seeks...
Ucinf University
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The UCINF University , formerly University of Computer Science , is a private university Chilean not accredited by the National Accreditation Commission (CNA-Chile). Located in the...
University of Santo Tomás
Chile, Santiago de Chile
The University of St. Thomas , commonly known by its acronym UST , is a private university Chile founded in 1988. In addition to its headquarters in Santiago , has other in differe...