Lista de programas según sus criterios
Mostrando 41 – 60 de más de 154 resultados.
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Sukabumi
ince 1996, Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) of Sukabumi was conferred by Muhammadiyah Regional Deliberation to establish higher education. However, within five years since th...
Bachelor of Economics
The Islamic University of Jakarta with the acronym UID is a Higher Education Institution established and built by Yayasan Wakaf Perguruan Tinggi Islam Jakarta (YWPTID) based in Jak...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Padang
State University of Padang , abbreviated UNP is a state university in Padang , West Sumatra , Indonesia , which was established on 1 September 1954 . Rector of State University of...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Yakarta
Satyagama University is a Private University declared on September 16, 1988 by Yayasan Satyagama, with the aim to participate in educating the nation through the path of higher edu...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Malang
Malangkucecwara School of EconomicsMalangkucecwara School of Economics is the first college with a beautiful garden and park in Malang. College was established in 1971 and after al...
Bachelor of Economics
Winaya Mukti University (abbreviated Unwim) is a university located in Sumedang, Indonesia. Giving name Winaya Mukti is an idea from Mr. HR. Moch Yogie, SM who at that time served...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Yogyakarta
History of Yogyakarta State University can not be separated from the development of IKIP Yogyakarta and Universitas Gadjah Mada. Based on PP 37/1950, on January 23, 1951, Universit...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Kisaran
Asahan University was established on July 18, 1985 with the deed of establishment number 41 issued by the notary. Adiputra Parlindungan. Foundation Sign No: 8 / AN / 1985 / PN-KIS....
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Tangerang
Surya University is an Indonesian private university that was founded in 2013 by the educational leader and physicist Prof. Yohanes Surya, Ph.D.[1] Temporary campus was built in th...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Yakarta
Profile Tama Jagakarsa University is one of the universities under the auspices of Yayasan Perguruan jagakarsa (YAPERJAS). Tama Jagakarsa University Campus is located at Jl.Letjen...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Surabaya
At the end of the 1950 decade, some East Java Muslim community leaders proposed the idea of establishing an Islamic religious college under the Ministry of Religion. To realize t...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Denpasar
University of National Education, is a private university in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. This university was established by I Gusti Ngurah Gorda and Ketut Sambereg.
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Yakarta
Tarumanagara University is a university in Jakarta, Indonesia and one of the oldest private universities in the country. It has four campuses in Jakarta.
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Yogyakarta
As one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta (UP45) always strives to show its role in providing qualified and competent human resources as...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Surabaya
Established in 1985, Universitas 45 Surabaya (Surabaya '45 University) is a private higher education institution located in the city of Surabaya (population range of 1,000,000-5,00...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Padangsidempuan
niversitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan didirikan pada tanggal 15 Juli 1983. Semula, tahun 1983, lembaga pendidikan ini hanyalah "kelas jauh" dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumater...
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Kuningan
Established in 2003, Universitas Kuningan (University of Kuningan) is a private higher education institution located in the large city of Kuningan
Bachelor of Economics
Indonesia, Palembang
University of PGRI as the development of the College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP) who got permission with Sk Mendiknas No. Sk. 97 / D / O / 2000 dated 9 June 2000, sta...
Bachelor of Economics
The objective reason for establishing UMT among the lamin is the realization of YBMJ's positive response to the lack of university education facilities in Indonesia. The forerunner...
Bachelor of Economics
University of Pattimura is a public university in Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia. It was established on April 23, 1963. Its current rector is Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno, SH. M.Hum.