List of universities by your criteria
Mostrando 61 – 80 de más de 214 resultados.
Conservatorio di Castelfranco Veneto Agostino Steffani
Italia, Castelfranco Veneto
The mission of the Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto, which has been held for over forty years in the surrounding area and today in the A.F.A.M. Italian, has undergone a profound...
Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici di Varese
Italia, Varese
Born in 1983 as the School for Interpreters and Translators, our Institute, with DM 05.19.89, it has been recognized by the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological...
Pontifical Biblical Institute
Italia, Roma
The Pontifical Biblical Institute (PIB) is a Catholic university institution based in Rome, dependent on the Holy See. It was founded on May 7, 1909 by Pope Pius X with the Apostol...
University for Foreigners Perugia
Italia, Perugia
University for Foreigners Perugia is the oldest and most prestigious Italian Institute engaged in teaching and research activities, as well as in the dissemination of the Italian l...
Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin
Italia, Turín
Although the name "Albertina" refers to Carlo Alberto di Savoia, which is the decisive "refoundation" of the Academy in 1833, the origins of this are far more remote, so that the A...
Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino
Italia, Urbino
The Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, established in 1967, with D.P.R. n. 1530 of September 29, is one of the first founded, unique in this area of Italy, after the Historical Acad...
Academy of Fine Arts Santagiulia Brescia
Italia, Brescia
The Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia SantaGiulia [1] is an Academy of Fine Arts based in Brescia, which has been working in the field of academic and university education since 2002...
Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche di Urbino
Italia, Urbino
ISIA Urbino, the Higher Institute for Artistic Industries, is the most important public university institution for teaching the design of communication and graphic design and publi...
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Italia, Lucca
IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca offers a multidisciplinary PhD program that integrates scientific competences of economics, engineering, computer science, neurosciences and b...
Popular University of Milan Studies
Italia, Milán
After the spread of popular universities, the partnership was born on January 5, 1901 with the aim of "spreading popular classes, with modern methods, of natural science education,...
Istituto Musicale G Paisiello Taranto
Italia, Tarento
The story of the Paisiello begins about ninety years ago, precisely in 1927 , in that of Taranto, when a scattered group of young musicians put on a street in Margherita street no....
Accademia Internazionale D'Alta Moda E D'Arte Del Costume Koefia
Italia, Roma
To be admitted to the Koefia Academy you must be Graduated for Bachelor Postgraduate Courses, or Graduates for Master Postgraduate Courses. Diploma address is not important; While...
Niccolò Cusano University
Italia, Roma
The Niccolò Cusano University, often simply abbreviated as "UNICUSANO" is a private university founded in 2006 in Rome, Italy. The Niccolò Cusano University was founded by Stefano...
University Health Care San Raffaele
Italia, Milán
The San Raffaele Vita-Salute University, founded by Don Luigi Maria Verzé, was inaugurated in 1996 with the Faculty of Psychology, followed by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery i...
San Pietro A Majella Music Conservatory
Italia, Nápoles
The Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella is a major institute of music studies founded in Naples in 1808. The conservatory is the result of the union of four previous musical insti...
Istituto Universitario per Interpreti e Traduttori di Trentoi
Italia, Trento
The globalization of markets and the abolition of frontiers, together with the changing work processes, requires a continuous redefinition and remodeling of the professionalism req...
Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Verbum
Italia, Cagliari
The Higher Institution for Linguistic Mediators "Verbum" is authorized by the Ministry of University ( Decr. Dir. 31.07.2003 ) to institute and activate three-year degree courses f...
Foreigners University of Siena
Italia, Siena
The University for Foreigners Siena is a university located in Siena, Italy. It is one of the two Italian universities oriented towards study by foreign students. The university ha...
Conservatorio di Bologna Giovanni Battista Martini
Italia, Bolonia
Nel 1802 la Municipalità di Bologna fece il progetto di un liceo musicale cittadino, da collocare nel convento di San Giacomo affiancato alla chiesa omonima: la nuova scuola avrebb...
State Music Conservatory G Verdi Turin
Italia, Turín
The building hosting the Conservatory was built in 1928 as a Liceo Musicale project by the Municipal Technical Office of Architect Giovanni Battista Ricci. The Piedmont Neo-Baroque...