List of universities by your criteria
Montrant 1 – 4 de plus de 4 résultats.
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Azerbaïdjan, Bakou
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction started its activity with engineering and construction faculty under Baku Polytechnic Institute in 1920. Specialists on const...
Baku State University
Azerbaïdjan, Bakou
The decision on establishment of university in Baku was made on 01 September 1919 during the assembly of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic’s Parliament – a new educational center...
Azerbaijan University
Azerbaïdjan, Bakou
1991: Azerbaijan University (AU) was established in 1991 by professor, doctor of philosophy, correspondent member of ANAS Selahaddin Khalilov as one of the first private universiti...
Baku Eurasian University
Azerbaïdjan, Bakou
Baku Eurasian University was founded by doctor of philological sciences, prof. Nazim Huseynli on April 30, 1992 under the name “High Diplomatic College”. The main goal of establish...