List of universities by your criteria
Montrant 1 – 11 de plus de 11 résultats.
Labour University of Lubumbashi
RDC, Lubumbashi
The university was created in 1955 as the official university of Congo and Rwanda-Urundi (French: université officielle du Congo et du Rwanda-Urundi) by the University of Liège and...
University Simon Kimbangu
RDC, Kinshasa
Founded in 1994, Université Simon Kimbangu (Simon Kimbangu University) is a higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kinshasa (population range of over 5,000,000 i...
Official Unviversité Ruwenzori
The Official University of Ruwenzori is a Higher Education and University Institution initiated by Professor BBEMO MUSUBAHO MUTATSAPA BAUDOUIN in 1999. At that time, the political...
Adventist University of Goma
RDC, Goma
The University of Goma is a public university in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The university was created in 1993 and it is located in the city of Goma, near Lake Kivu in t...
University of Lubumbashi
RDC, Lubumbashi
L’Université de Lubumbashi, en sigle appelée UNILU, est une des grandes universités de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Située dans la province dite cuprifère du Katanga...
Evangelical University in Africa
RDC, Bukavu
Founded in 1991, Université Evangélique en Afrique (Evangelical University in Africa) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the m...
University of Kolwezi
RDC, Kolwezi
L’histoire de l’Université de Kolwezi commence en 1997, lorsque le Recteur de l’Unilu, le Professeur KAKOMA SAKATOLO ZAMBEZE, sur demande des notabilités de Kolwezi et de la Sociét...
Kongo University
RDC, Mbanza-Ngungu
Kongo University is a non-governmental community non-profit, non-profit institution whose constituent assembly was held on July 22, 1990. It was authorized to operate on 26 June 19...
University of Notre Dame du Kasai
RDC, Kananga
Founded in 1996, Université Notre-Dame du Kasayi (Notre-Dame University of Kasayi) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large...
Graduate Institute of Health Sciences
RDC, Lubumbashi
The IUSS was founded in 2007, first under the name of the Center for Training and Studies in the Environment, Safety and Health at Work, sanctioned in 2009 by Ministerial Decree No...
Free University of Kinshasa
RDC, Kinshasa
Established in 1988, Université Libre de Kinshasa (Free University of Kinshasa) is a higher education institution located in the metropolis of Kinshasa (population range of over 5,...