Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 21 – 40 из 43 результатов.
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Кордова
The 21st Century Business University, with more than 52,000 students, 12,500 graduates, it is the educational institution of the top-level private most chosen by the argentines, ac...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
En el año 1965, durante el gobierno de Felipe Sapag, la Legislatura Neuquina a través de la Ley Nº 414, se crea la Universidad del Neuquen. El propósito de la creación de la Unive...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Кордова
Established in 1956, Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Catholic University of Córdoba) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of th...
Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, San Martin
Universidad Nacional de San Martín is an Argentinian State University, created in 1992 and has become a privileged space and a leader in academic training, research, cultural devel...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
In this new management, my main responsibility is to continue the path already begun by the two previous visionaries, who knew how to position this institution in a strong leadersh...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Мендоса
On 4th May, 1960, The University Juan Agustín Maza was born as a civil society without means of profits, whose motif, “Horno res sacra homini” (The man is sacred for the man), was...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Сан-Мигель-де-Тукуман
Institution of higher education, UNSTA aims to provide a humanistic and professional training in Sciences, Arts and Techniques, with the aim of promoting the generation and develop...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Сальта
La Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa) es una universidad pública Argentina, con sede central en la ciudad de Salta. Fue fundada por la ley 19.633 del 11 de mayo de 1972, como par...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
Established in 1821, Universidad de Buenos Aires (University of Buenos Aires) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large city...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Puerto Santa Cruz
The creation of the National University of Southern Patagonia was an aspiration for several decades, in this regard can be mentioned the decree of Governor Gregores who in the midd...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Корриентес
The River Plate Basin University (in Spanish: Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata - UCP) is a non-profit private university founded in 1991. Located in the province of Corrientes, A...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Санта-Фе
The Catholic University, as a university, is an academic community that rigorously and critically contributes to the protection and development of human dignity and cultural herita...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
University of Morona is a private educational institution, since 1960 specializes in providing education at a higher level. Currently, it has 26,000 square meters of educational in...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
La Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM) es una universidad pública de Argentina. Fue fundada el 29 de septiembre de 1989 en San Justo, ciudad cabecera del partido de La Matan...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
FLa National University of the Northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNNOBA) was created on December 16, 2002 by Decree of the National Executive Branch No. 2,617, and ratifie...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The Latin American Social Sciences Institute or Latin American School of Social Sciences (Spanish: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales or FLACSO) is an inter-governmental...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Санта-Фе
La Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) es una universidad pública argentina con sede en la Ciudad de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe; fue creada durante la dictadura del Gral. Jua...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Кордова
The National University of Córdoba (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, UNC), founded in 1613, is the oldest university in Argentina,[2] the fourth oldest in South America an...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Кордова
Established in 1990, Universidad Blas Pascal (Blas Pascal University) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large city of Arg...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Мендоса
The University of Mendoza (UM) is an institution of higher education and private management, which heads the Supreme Council from its own teachers. Since 1960, she is firmly commit...