Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 721 – 740 из 771 результата.
Master of Natural Sciences
Аргентина, Сан-Фернандо-дель-Валье-де-Катамарка
La Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, (UNCA), fue fundada en septiembre de 1972. Fue el resultado de un ambicioso proyecto de factibilidad que dio lugar a la firma de la ley nacion...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Мендоса
In 1965, two educational establishments were created in Mendoza: the Higher Institute of Enterprise and the Higher Institute of Psychology. Both were merged in 1966 under the name...
Master of IT
Аргентина, Сан-Мигель-де-Тукуман
Institution of higher education, UNSTA aims to provide a humanistic and professional training in Sciences, Arts and Techniques, with the aim of promoting the generation and develop...
Master of Communication
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The University of Cinema, known in the middle as FUC, is a national university of private management created in 1991. Its primary mission is to provide the highest academic and tec...
Master of Design
Аргентина, Корриентес
The National University of the Northeast (UNNE) is a public university of Argentina with rectorate in the city of Corrientes and vicerrectorado in Resistencia, provinces of Corrien...
Master of Agriculture
Аргентина, Herradura
Año 1988 Creación de la Universidad Nacional de Formosa Por Ley Nº 23.631 del 24 de septiembre de 1988 se crea la Universidad Nacional de Formosa; así se inicia el proceso de tran...
Аргентина, San Martin
Universidad Nacional de San Martín is an Argentinian State University, created in 1992 and has become a privileged space and a leader in academic training, research, cultural devel...
Master of Management
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
La Universidad Nacional de Luján (UNLu) es una universidad pública argentina ubicada en la ciudad de Luján, fundada por la ley 20 0317 del 20 de diciembre de 1972, como parte del P...
Master of Education
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The National University of the Coast , created by National Law on October 17, 1919, is a daughter of the reformist movement that in 1918 proclaimed to the country and to all of Lat...
Master of International Relations
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The Virtual University of Quilmes (UVQ) is the educational proposal on the Internet of the National University of Quilmes, based in the town of Bernal, in the Buenos Aires Party of...
Master of Medicine
Аргентина, Кордова
The National University of Córdoba (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, UNC), founded in 1613, is the oldest university in Argentina,[2] the fourth oldest in South America an...
Master of Management
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The Universidad de San Andrés is an Argentine university located in the town of Victoria, Buenos Aires on the shores of the Rio de la Plata, in the metropolitan area of Greater Bue...
Master of Psychology
Аргентина, Мендоса
According to its charter, the main task of the University of Congress is "to conduct training, research and expansion, providing scientific and technical, professional, humanistic...
Master of Arts
Аргентина, Санта-Фе
La Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) es una universidad pública argentina con sede en la Ciudad de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe; fue creada durante la dictadura del Gral. Jua...
Master of Engineering
La Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (UNLPam) es una universidad pública argentina con sede central en la ciudad de Santa Rosa, en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Fue fundada p...
Master of Law & Jurisprudence
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
UFLO was founded in 1995 with the goal of training citizens, professionals, professionals and researchers who are now integrating their disciplines with social and environmental ne...
Аргентина, Вьедма
La Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (sigla «UNRN»), es una universidad pública argentina creada en diciembre de 2007 por ley 26.330. El primer ciclo lectivo de la universidad come...
Master of Technology
Аргентина, Сантьяго-дель-Эстеро
Our University is located in the province of Santiago del Estero, Capital , which is the oldest city in the country, since it was founded in 1553, which is located in northwestern...
Master of Management
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
EAN is a university institution that intends to form one? An educational community where the analysis, discussion, reflection and production of knowledge about the Administration...
Master of Computer Science
Аргентина, Росарио
The University of the Latin American Educational Center is a for-profit private university based in Rosario, Argentina. Established in 1993, it was the first Methodist-related univ...