Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 25 результатов.
University of Salvador Buenos Aires
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
For more than 50 years, when it was founded by the Society of Jesus, the educational action of the University of Salvador (USAL) is guided by a humanistic and Christian conception...
National University of Mar del Plata
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The National University of Mar del Plata (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, UNMdP) is an Argentine national university located in the Atlantic Ocean-front city of Mar...
University of Buenos Aires
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
Established in 1821, Universidad de Buenos Aires (University of Buenos Aires) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large city...
National University of La Plata
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The National University of La Plata (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de La Plata, UNLP) is one of the most important Argentine national universities and the biggest one situated in t...
National University of Litoral
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The National University of the Coast , created by National Law on October 17, 1919, is a daughter of the reformist movement that in 1918 proclaimed to the country and to all of Lat...
National University of Rosario
Аргентина, Санта-Фе
La Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) es una universidad pública argentina con sede en la Ciudad de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe; fue creada durante la dictadura del Gral. Jua...
National University of San Juan
Аргентина, Сан-Хуан
La Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ) es una universidad pública argentina con sede central en la ciudad de San Juan. Posee también una sede en San José de Jáchal. Fue fundada...
National University of Cuyo Mendoza
Аргентина, Мендоса
La Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, ubicada en Mendoza, República Argentina tiene formulados sus fines en el Estatuto donde se establece que es esencial el desarrollo y la difusión de...
National University of Catamarca
Аргентина, Сан-Фернандо-дель-Валье-де-Катамарка
La Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, (UNCA), fue fundada en septiembre de 1972. Fue el resultado de un ambicioso proyecto de factibilidad que dio lugar a la firma de la ley nacion...
National University of General Sarmiento
La Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS), creada en el año 1993, decidió adoptar como principio la vinculación entre la formación, la investigación crítica de los proble...
National University of Tucuman
Аргентина, Сан-Мигель-де-Тукуман
On May 25, 1914, the University of Tucumán was officially inaugurated. The rector-founder and fundamental manager was Dr. Juan B. Terán, who affirmed that "like any intellectual fo...
National University of Salta
Аргентина, Сальта
La Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa) es una universidad pública Argentina, con sede central en la ciudad de Salta. Fue fundada por la ley 19.633 del 11 de mayo de 1972, como par...
University of North Saint Thomas Aquinas
Аргентина, Сан-Мигель-де-Тукуман
Institution of higher education, UNSTA aims to provide a humanistic and professional training in Sciences, Arts and Techniques, with the aim of promoting the generation and develop...
National University of Cordoba
Аргентина, Кордова
The National University of Córdoba (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, UNC), founded in 1613, is the oldest university in Argentina,[2] the fourth oldest in South America an...
National University of Lanús
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
It was created on 7 as June as 1995 by national law 24,496. 1 It began its academic activity in a building of the street Havana 568, in Valentín Alsina , ceded in comodato by the F...
University of Morón
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
University of Morona is a private educational institution, since 1960 specializes in providing education at a higher level. Currently, it has 26,000 square meters of educational in...
National University of Rio Cuarto
Аргентина, Рио-Куарто
Hasta el año 1971 el sistema universitario argentino estaba formado por nueve universidades creadas en un período de más de trescientos años, acompañaban unas pocas universidades p...
University Institute of Mental Health
Аргентина, Буэнос-Айрес
The University Institute of Mental Health was created by the Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires. IUSAM is dedicated to teaching, training professionals and research in the...
Catholic University of Cuyo
Аргентина, Сан-Хуан
Founded in 1953, Universidad Católica de Cuyo (Catholic University of Cuyo) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the medium-size...
National University of Jujuy
Аргентина, Сан Сальвадор де Жужуй
The National University of Jujuy (Spanish: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, UNJU) is an Argentine national university, situated in the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, capital of Jujuy...