Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 21 – 35 из 35 результатов.
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Брюссель
In January 1996, on the occasion of the creation of the Hautes Écoles, the Haute École Francisco Ferrer was born. This new entity originates from the merger of all the higher educa...
Bachelor of Arts in Arts History, Musicology and Theater Studies
Бельгия, Гент
Ghent University (Dutch: Universiteit Gent, abbreviated as UGent) is a public research university located in Ghent, Belgium. It was established in 1817 by King William I of the Net...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Брюссель
The School of Graphic Research, located in Brussels, is a Higher Institute of Visual Arts created in 1972 by Thierry de Duve and Jean Guiraud. The ERG is an art school open to the...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Мускрон
La Haute École Louvain en Hainaut (en abrégé HELHa) est une haute école belge de la province de Hainaut, possédant également une implantation dans le Brabant wallon, à Louvain-la-N...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Брюссель
The emergence of Sint-Lukas Brussels dates back to the second half of the nineteenth century, then in Belgium driven by the neo-Gothic ideas of Baron JB Bethune and pedagogical pri...
Bachelor of Arts
L'IAD-Théâtre, École supérieure des arts, organise des formations en Interprétation dramatique (théâtre, cinéma, radio, doublage...) et à la Mise en scène. La ligne directrice des...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Брюссель
The Institut Saint-Luc is an arts school in Brussels. It consists of six departments, with a total of 2200 students and some 430 employees, divided over five locations in Ixelles a...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Hornu
Technocité is a center of competence offering intensive training in innovative fields such as gaming, web and mobile application development, community management, 3D, special effe...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Гент
The HISK offers a postgraduate course in visual and audiovisual art. The emphasis at the institute lies on individual practice. The programme aims to achieve a practical balance be...
Bachelor of Arts
The Erasmushogeschool Brussel (English name: Erasmus University College Brussels) is an institute of higher education based in Brussels, Belgium. Like the EU student exchange prog...
Bachelor of Conservation-Restoration
Бельгия, Антверпен
The university's roots go back to Sint-Ignatius Handelshogeschool (Saint-Ignatius School for Higher Education in Commerce) founded by the Jesuit (Society of Jesus) in Antwerp in 18...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Хасселт
Hogeschool PXL telt 22 basisopleidingen (19 professionele bacheloropleidingen,3 masters), 5 bachelor-na-bacheloropleidingen, 1 specifieke lerarenopleiding en 20 postgraduaten. Dez...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Ватерлоо
The origins of the Music Chapel rest on two strong personalities: Queen Elisabeth, a violinist keen to help young talent, and Eugène Ysaÿe, one of the greatest violinists and compo...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Антверпен
The founders of Karel de Grote College wanted, literally, a school name. The choice fell on Karel de Grote (742-814), a European figure that was a great European empire and thus br...
Bachelor of Arts
Бельгия, Лувен-ла-Нев
For the history of the university prior to 1968, see Catholic University of Leuven (1834–1968) The Catholic University of Leuven, based in Leuven ("Louvain" in French), 30 km east...