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Показано 1 – 14 из 14 результатов.
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Хасселт
XIOS Hogeschool Limburg was one of the Flemish Community College in Belgian Limburg, with campuses in Diepenbeek and Hasselt. In 2013 merged with the XIOS PHL to Hogeschool PXL. T...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Брюссель
The university college vzw Odisee is the result of a merger between two Flemish university colleges, Hogeschool‑Universiteit Brussel (HUB) and Katholieke Hogeschool Sint‑Lieven (KA...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Кортрейк
The Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen - short Howest - emerged in 1995 from a merger of eight schools: the Higher Institute of Social Studies (Youth) Klemskerke; Higher Institute for Econ...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Мускрон
La Haute École Louvain en Hainaut (en abrégé HELHa) est une haute école belge de la province de Hainaut, possédant également une implantation dans le Brabant wallon, à Louvain-la-N...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Намюр
La Haute École de Namur-Liège-Luxembourg compte plus de 6000 étudiants répartis sur dix sites, en Province de Namur, à Liège et en Province de Luxembourg. Elle propose un éventail...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Hornu
Technocité is a center of competence offering intensive training in innovative fields such as gaming, web and mobile application development, community management, 3D, special effe...
Bachelor of Marketing
The first Saint-Luc school was therefore founded in Ghent. On March 1, 1878, a school called Saint-Luc was established in Tournai, first in the Rue du Four Chapitre, then at the Ru...
Bachelor of Marketing
Lucia de Brouckère was the first woman to teach in a faculty of science in Belgium and an outstanding pedagogue. It is in this double title that his name was chosen in order to spo...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Льеж
La Haute Ecole HELMo est une institution d'enseignement supérieur qui propose des formations dans les domaines pédagogique, paramédical, social, technique et économique. La premièr...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Геел
Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen is a University College with eleven departments and more than 6,400 students. KH Kempen University College has always been an impulse for regional deve...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Льеж
Like all Saint-Luc schools, ESA Saint-Luc Liège is founded by the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Their main objective is to train, with a spirit of opennes...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Волюве-Сен-Ламбер
The School of Business Studies (EPHEC) is a university college in Belgium. The school has three campuses, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Louvain-la-Neuve and Schaerbeek, with all courses ta...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Хасселт
Hogeschool PXL telt 22 basisopleidingen (19 professionele bacheloropleidingen,3 masters), 5 bachelor-na-bacheloropleidingen, 1 specifieke lerarenopleiding en 20 postgraduaten. Dez...
Bachelor of Marketing
Бельгия, Антверпен
The founders of Karel de Grote College wanted, literally, a school name. The choice fell on Karel de Grote (742-814), a European figure that was a great European empire and thus br...