Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 21 – 40 из 85 результатов.
EU Business School Switzerland
Швейцария, Женева
Since 1973, EU has provided a quality education to students from all over the world. A cornerstone of EU educational philosophy is the recognition of the distinction between the yo...
University of Music in Lausanne
Швейцария, Лозанна
The Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (HEMU) is an educational institution recognized for its elite, demanding and complete training as well as for its complicity with the profess...
University of Applied Sciences Zurich
Швейцария, Цюрих
The Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich, PHZH) is the training and education center for teachers in the Swiss canton of Zurich. It has existed since autumn 2002 and r...
Conservatory of Lausanne
Швейцария, Лозанна
The Conservatoire de Lausanne was founded in 1861 , with the dual objective of allowing amateurs to study music and future professional musicians to train themselves in their profe...
Educational College Graubünden
Швейцария, Кур
The University of Education Grisons (PHGR, Italian : Alta scuola Pedagogica dei Grigioni , rätoromanisch : Scola auta as pedagogia dal Grischun ) is a place for the training person...
Institute and High School of Health The Source
Швейцария, Лозанна
In 1859, the La Source Foundation created the first secular nursing school in the world. The Foundation, which is privately owned and has an ideal purpose, also supports a private...
Upper Pedagogical School of Valais
HEP-VS is a tertiary-level cantonal institution, located in Brig and Saint-Maurice, whose general mission is to ensure the initial and continuing vocational training of candidates...
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research
The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research (Italian: Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, IDSIA) is a research institution in Manno, in...
Les Roches Gruyère University of Applied Sciences
LRG-University of Applied Sciences is fully authorised by the Swiss Federal Authorities. Our programmes meet the European Bologna standards and use the European Credit Transfer Sys...
Teaching College Thurgau Ticino
Швейцария, Кройцлинген
In 2003, the training of teachers in Kreuzlingen was transferred from the traditional, seminaristic training into a modular structure at university level and took over the training...
University of Applied Sciences of Friburg
Швейцария, Фрибур
Founded in 1896, the University of Applied Sciences of Friborg trains engineers and architects of tomorrow, holders of HES-SO bachelor's degrees. In a university city, center of cu...
Music High School in Geneva
Швейцария, Женева
Music High School in Geneva comes from the oldest music school in Switzerland: the Geneva Conservatory of Music. Founded in 1835 by the patron François Bartholoni, the Conservatoir...
School of Changins
Швейцария, Ньон
CHANGINS was founded in 1948 by the French-speaking cantons (Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais, Vaud), Bern and Ticino to create an institution for higher education in viti...
School of Management and Communication Geneva
Швейцария, Женева
Established in Switzerland since 1986, ESM's mission is to offer its students a multifaceted training in management, marketing and communication, preparing for the careers of manag...
Lucerne School of Art and Design
Швейцария, Люцерн
The Lucerne School of Art and Design is the oldest college of art and design in German-speaking Switzerland. Backed by almost 140 years of tradition, it moves forward into the futu...
High School Pedagogical Bern-Jura-Neuchatel Basel-Stadt
Швейцария, Биль
The BEJUNE (HEP-BEJUNE), officially opened in August 2001, trains teachers from three cantons (Berne - French part, Jura and Neuchâtel). The creation of the HEP-BEJUNE was a major...
Valais Cantonal Art School, Sierre
Швейцария, Сиерре
Located in the heart of the Alps and in the center of Europe, the Valais Cantonal School of Art offers high-quality courses in graphic design (secondary school graphic design-MPA)...
University of Applied Sciences
Швейцария, Цюрих
Bank-specific knowledge and permanent further training are important building blocks for entrepreneurial success. Or to put it with Benjamin Franklin: "The investment in knowledge...
FHNW Academy of Music
Швейцария, Базель
The School of Music was the first conservatory in German Switzerland when it was founded in 1905. Since then it has belonged among the leading European educational institutions tha...
University of Applied Sciences Schaffhausen
Швейцария, Шаффхаузен
The Educational College of Schaffhausen (PHSH) trains teachers for pre-primary education (Bachelor in Pre-Primary Education) and primary school (Bachelor in Primary Education). It...