Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 21 – 31 из 31 результата.
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Нойс
The most modern IT based learning methods support these ideas of interactive learning. Conveyance of seminar contents for example by e-learning and computer supported collaborative...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Бремен
Founded in 1971, Universität Bremen (University of Bremen) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the medium-sized city of Breme...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Гамбург
The European Fernhochschule Hamburg ( Euro-FH ) is a German private distance learning college based in Hamburg . The European Fernhochschule Hamburg started business in 2003 and of...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Вильгельмсхафен
The Jade College is committed to its social responsibility in this mission statement and provides the framework for its development planning and target agreements. The mission stat...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Кёльн
Technical University of Cologne (German: Technische Hochschule Köln, formerly Cologne University of Applied Sciences, abbreviated TH Köln) is a higher education institution in Colo...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Кобленц
The six faculties of University of Applied Sciences Koblenz currently offer more than 40 degree courses, including more than 30 bachelor degree courses and more than 10 master's de...
Германия, Брайтенбрунн
The Staatliche Studienakademie Breitenbrunn is one of the locations of the Berufsakademie Sachsen. In 1999, the Staatliche Studienakademie Plauen was opened as an external post. S...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Хайльбронн
Heilbronn University ranks amongst the major institutions of Higher Education in the state of Baden-Württemberg where it caters for about 8,300 degree-seeking students on four camp...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Пфорцхайм
Die Hochschule Pforzheim mit ihren drei Fakultäten – Gestaltung, Technik sowie Wirtschaft und Recht – genießt einen erstklassigen Ruf. Die Fakultäten verbinden Kreativität mit betr...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Людвигсхафен-на-Рейне
Die Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein bietet Studiengänge in vier Fachbereichen an. Dabei spielen neben den klassischen Vollzeitformaten aktuell bereits berufsbegleitende und duale...
Bachelor of Logistics
Германия, Брюль
The European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH) is a private, state-accredited university and has been awarded top rankings and an outstanding record in employment. At EUFH we...