Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 20 из 26 результатов.
University of Stuttgart
Германия, Штутгарт
The University of Stuttgart (German: Universität Stuttgart) is a university located in Stuttgart, Germany. It was founded in 1829 and is organized into 10 faculties. It is one of...
Heidelberg University
Германия, Хайдельберг
Heidelberg University (informally Heidelberg, German: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; Latin: Universitas Ruperto Carola Heidelbergensis) is a public research university in H...
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU)
Германия, Котбус
Situated in the heart of the Lausitz region, BTU combines outstanding international research with future-oriented teaching. It makes an important contribution to society, our cultu...
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Германия, Мюнхен
Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (also referred to as LMU or the University of Munich, in German: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) is a public research university loca...
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Германия, Магдебург
The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany. The university in Magdeburg has about 14,000 students in nine fac...
University of Würzburg
Германия, Вюрцбург
The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg is a public research university in Würzburg, Germany. The University of Wurzburg is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning i...
University of Greifswald
Германия, Грайфсвальд
The University of Greifswald is amongst the oldest universities in the German-speaking countries, founded in 1456 following an initiative from citizens of the Hanseatic town of Gre...
University of Bonn
Германия, Бонн
The University of Bonn was founded almost 200 years ago and is considered to be one of Germany's and indeed Europe's most important institutes of higher education. As home of learn...
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences
Германия, Ахен
The FH Aachen was established in 1971 as a result of the amalgamation of several universities of applied sciences and vocational training centres. Thus, it can look back on a pract...
University of Bayreuth
Германия, Байройт
The University of Bayreuth is a public research university situated in Bayreuth, Germany. It was founded in 1975 as a campus university focusing on international collaboration and...
Aachen University of Applied Sciences
Германия, Ахен
The FH Aachen - Aachen University of Applied Sciences is one of the biggest Fachhochschulen in Germany with roughly 11,300 students, 220 professors, 300 contract lecturers, and 340...
Braunschweig University of Technology
Германия, Брауншвейг
The TU Braunschweig (English: "University of Brunswick – Institute of Technology") is the oldest Technische Universität[de] (comparable to an institute of technology in the America...
University of Hamm-Lippstadt
Германия, Хамм
A new university in Hamm and Lippstadt with plenty of design potential. Modern campus life, market- and practice-oriented study courses, openness, tolerance, team spirit, and high...
University of Lübeck
Германия, Любек
The University of Lübeck is a research university in Lübeck, Northern Germany which focuses almost entirely on medicine and sciences with applications in medicine. In both 2006 and...
Institute of Natural Sciences and Medicine University of Tuebingen
Германия, Ройтлинген
The NMI, a research institute of the Innovationsallianz Baden-Württemberg, conducts application-oriented research at the interface between bio- and material sciences. An interdisci...
University of Applied Sciences Landshut
Германия, Ландсхут
The University of Applied Science of Landshut with its capacity of 2600 students and 70 professors clearly focuses on the quality of teaching. Located at the gates of Landshut that...
Chemnitz University of Technology
Германия, Хемниц
Chemnitz University of Technology is located in the town of Chemnitz in Germany. With over 10000 students it is the third largest university in Saxony and around 750 international...
Technical University of Munich
Германия, Мюнхен
In its capacity as an academic stronghold of technology and science, the Technical University of Munich has played a vital role in Bavaria's transition from an agricultural state t...
University of Bremen
Германия, Бремен
Founded in 1971, Universität Bremen (University of Bremen) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the medium-sized city of Breme...
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Германия, Ганновер
The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo) is a nationally and internationally recognized institution of higher education known for its excellence in veterin...