Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 41 – 60 из 62 результатов.
University of Bremen
Германия, Бремен
Founded in 1971, Universität Bremen (University of Bremen) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the medium-sized city of Breme...
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Германия, Ганновер
The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo) is a nationally and internationally recognized institution of higher education known for its excellence in veterin...
University of Rostock
Германия, Росток
The University of Rostock (Rostock University, German: Universität Rostock) is a public university located in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. Founded in 1419, it is the t...
University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen
Германия, Гисен
Mit mehr als 50 praxisnahen Studiengängen, gefragtem Know-how in der anwendungsbezogenen Forschung und vielen Kooperationsprojekten mit Partnern aus der heimischen Wirtschaft hat s...
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Германия, Мюнхен
Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (also referred to as LMU or the University of Munich, in German: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) is a public research university loca...
Franco-German University
Германия, Саарбрюккен
The DFH has assumed an expert function for German-French university relations with the aim of strengthening cooperation between Germany and France in the field of higher education...
Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf
Германия, Дюссельдорф
The Fliedner Fachhochschule Düsseldorf (FFH) is a young private, state - recognized university of applied sciences in Düsseldorf - Kaiserswerth and is rooted in the education tradi...
University of Leipzig
Германия, Лейпциг
Leipzig University was founded in 1409. In the course of its diverse history, it grew to encompass a wide selection of disciplines comprising almost all areas of knowledge. World-r...
University of Mainz
Германия, Майнц
The University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz is the only medical institution of supramaximal care in Rhineland-Palatinate and an internationally reco...
Offenburg's University
Германия, Оффенбург
The University was founded in 1967 as the State Engineering School of Offenburg. Initially only the Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering courses were offered. In 1970...
SRH University of Applied Health Sciences, Gera
Германия, Гера
Established in 2006, SRH Fachhochschule für Gesundheit Gera (SRH University of Applied Health Sciences, Gera) is a higher education institution located in Gera, Thuringia. Official...
Medical College of Brandenburg
Германия, Нойруппин
The Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane (MHB) is a state-recognized university, a non-profit institution under municipal sponsorship. It stands for innovative teaching conce...
University of Heidelberg
Германия, Хайдельберг
Heidelberg University is a public research university in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Founded in 1386 on instruction of Pope Urban VI, Heidelberg is Germany's oldest uni...
University of Marburg
Германия, Марбург
The Philipps University of Marburg (German: Philipps-Universität Marburg), was founded in 1527 by Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse (usually called the Magnanimous, although the updated...
University of Regensburg
Германия, Регенсбург
The University of Regensburg (German: Universität Regensburg) is a public research university located in the medieval city of Regensburg, Bavaria, a city that is listed as a UNESCO...
Justus-Liebig University of Giessen
Германия, Гисен
Giessen University (the “Ludoviciana” or “Ludwigs-Universität,” and since the end of the Second World War “Justus-Liebig-Universität”) is one of the older universities in the Germa...
University of Bremerhaven
Германия, Бремерхафен
Established in 1975, Hochschule Bremerhaven (University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the...
University of Bochum
Германия, Бохум
Established in 1962, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Ruhr University Bochum) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the small city of B...
Jade College
Германия, Вильгельмсхафен
The Jade College is committed to its social responsibility in this mission statement and provides the framework for its development planning and target agreements. The mission stat...
Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Германия, Майнц
Mainz Catholic University of Applied Sciences (Mainz CUAS) is a state-approved university. The responsible body is the Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und...