Список университетов по вашим критериям

Показано 1 – 19 из 19 результатов.

Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Германия, Магдебург

The Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg was founded in 1993 and is one of the youngest universities in Germany. The university in Magdeburg has about 14,000 students in nine fac...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Германия, Эрланген

Founded in 1743, FAU has a rich history. It is a strong research university with an international perspective and one of the largest universities in Germany, with 39.868 students,...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Greifswald

Германия, Грайфсвальд

Доктор философии • 1

The University of Greifswald is amongst the oldest universities in the German-speaking countries, founded in 1456 following an initiative from citizens of the Hanseatic town of Gre...

Набор открыт
~ 2 736 $ / год

Kiel University

Германия, Киль

Kiel University is Germany's northernmost State University and the scientific centre of Schleswig-Holstein. At our institutes, more than 26,000 students learn their trade, about 2,...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

German Sporthochschule Cologne

Германия, Кёльн

German Sport University Cologne founded in 1947, is a sport university in Cologne, Germany. It is the largest sport university in Europe with approximately 6,000 students. The Germ...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Bonn

Германия, Бонн

The University of Bonn was founded almost 200 years ago and is considered to be one of Germany's and indeed Europe's most important institutes of higher education. As home of learn...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Education Weingarten

Германия, Вайнгартен

The University of Applied Sciences Weingarten is responsible for the provision of scientific courses for educational programs and offers a wide range of courses. The course offer i...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Braunschweig University of Technology

Германия, Брауншвейг

The TU Braunschweig (English: "University of Brunswick – Institute of Technology") is the oldest Technische Universität[de] (comparable to an institute of technology in the America...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Flensburg

Германия, Фленсбург

Predecessor of the University of Flensburg was the College of Eduction (Pädagogische Hochschule, PH), which was opened in March 1946 by order of the British occupying forces. In th...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Folkwang University of the Arts

Германия, Эссен

The “Folkwang School of Music, Dance and Speech” was founded in 1927; in 1928 the name of the pre-existing Essen School of Trades and Applied Arts was changed to “Folkwang School o...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Panamerican University of Guatemala

Германия, Вюрцбург

The Pan American University has a comprehensive higher education system that seeks to contribute to the development of higher education at the national level and proposes innovativ...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Bremen

Германия, Бремен

Доктор философии • 1

Founded in 1971, Universität Bremen (University of Bremen) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of the medium-sized city of Breme...

Набор открыт
~ 815 $ / год

University of Mannheim

Германия, Мангейм

The University of Mannheim, also known as UMA, is a public research university situated in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Founded in 1967 the university has its origins in t...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Германия, Мюнхен

Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (also referred to as LMU or the University of Munich, in German: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) is a public research university loca...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Leipzig

Германия, Лейпциг

Leipzig University was founded in 1409. In the course of its diverse history, it grew to encompass a wide selection of disciplines comprising almost all areas of knowledge. World-r...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Hildesheim University

Германия, Хильдесхайм

The University of Hildesheim emerged from the Teacher's Training University of Lower Saxony (founded in 1946). The number of students enrolled has increased steadily since 2000 to...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Applied Sciences of Saarlandes

Германия, Саарбрюккен

Established in 1971, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (University of Applied Sciences of Saarlandes) is a non-profit public higher education institution located...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

University of Hohenheim

Германия, Штутгарт

The University of Hohenheim is a campus university located in the south of Stuttgart, Germany. Founded in 1818 it is Stuttgart's oldest university. Its primary areas of specialisat...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

Burg Giebichenstein Art College Halle

Германия, Галле

Today's art school Giebichenstein goes to the Industrial Drawing and Crafts School of the City Hall back. This school was created in 1879 from the union of the existing since 1852...

Набор закрыт
~ 0 $ / год

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