Список университетов по вашим критериям
Показано 81 – 100 из 106 результатов.
LCI Barcelona School of Design
Испания, Барселона
LCI Barcelona, Official School of Design, is the European campus of the LCI Education network. LCI Barcelona was founded in October 2013 between LCI Education and the School of F...
Polytechnic university of Valencia
Испания, Валенсия
The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a prestigious public institution that offers modern degrees, flexible and adapted to the needs of society. It welcomes more than 40...
Abat Oliba CEU University
Испания, Барселона
The Universitat Abat Oliba CEU has its origin in the Abat Oliba CEU University Center, which created the San Pablo CEU Foundation in 1973 through an agreement of ascription and col...
BAU Escola Superior de Disseny
Испания, Барселона
BAU Centro Universitario de Diseño de Barcelona was born in 1989. As a result of the concerns of a group of design professionals with a strong teaching and pedagogical vocation, a...
School of Tourism,Hospitality and Gastronomy
Испания, Барселона
CETT Campus is an international transfer of education and knowledge in the field of tourism, hospitality and unique cuisine. In the annex to the University of Barcelona, he offer...
Carlos III University, Madrid
Испания, Хетафе
Founded in 1989, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Carlos III University, Madrid) is a non-profit public higher education institution located in the the urban setting of the large...
University Pablo de Olavide
Испания, Севилья
Pablo de Olavide University is a public university in Seville, Spain. UPO offers both undergraduate and graduate programs in the traditional majors, as well as in biotechnology, en...
ESERP Business School
Испания, Мадрид
ESERP is a prestigious institution at the national and international level, at the service of society, officially authorized to teach university level, based on its different schoo...
Les Roches Marbella Swiss Hotel Management School
Испания, Марбелья
Les Roches Marbella provides instruction in English to students of any race, nationality, sex, color, religion or creed who have successfully completed a full secondary school prog...
Comillas Pontifical University
Испания, Мадрид
After a century of university experience, at COMILLAS we are keenly aware that a great many things have changed since the university was founded. Spanish universities have moved on...
Catholic University of Avila
Испания, Авила
The Catholic University Santa Teresa de Jesus de Avila, also known as the Catholic University of Avila, is a private, Catholic university, located in Avila, Castilla y León. Its na...
Oviedo University
Испания, Овьедо
Our institution, although of new creation, collected the approaches of the erudite Castilian universities (fundamentally Alcalá and Salamanca) and adapted them in the first norms o...
University of Huelva
Испания, Уэльва
he University of Huelva is a young dynamic institution, striving for excellence and a brilliant future for its 12,000 students. Our motto is Sapere Aude – Dare to Know in English....
Center of Higher Studies of Aviation
Испания, Реус
CESDA is the first university training center for commercial aviation pilots created in Spain. It was born in 2001 with the impulse of the professional sector, the public administr...
University of Cordoba
Испания, Кордова
The UCO is heir to a centuries-old historical and cultural legacy as well as a passion for knowledge, tolerance, international renown and harmony among civilizations that have made...
Francisco de Vitoria University
Испания, Мадрид
Francisco de Vitoria University is an expert in the development of personal talent and its challenge is to train professionals who are capable of changing society. For this reason,...
College of Financial Studies
Испания, Мадрид
CUNEF is a private university of training and research, attached to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Specialized, for more than 40 years, in the field of Administration and M...
Francisco de Vitoria University
Испания, Мадрид
Established in 1992, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Francisco de Vitoria University) is a non-profit private higher education institution located in the the suburban setting of...
University of Deusto
Испания, Бильбао
The University of Deusto aims to serve society through its contributions with a Christian approach to today’s realities. As a university, its guidelines are love of wisdom, desire...
Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Испания, Эльч
The Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Universitas Miguel Hernández in its official name) is a Spanish public university with main headquarters in the municipality of Elche . Th...