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Показано 1 – 20 из 26 результатов.

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Шымкент

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Shymkent University, founded in 2001, is one of the leading places in the sphere of higher education, prepares competent, highly qualified specialists for the southern region....

Набор открыт
~ 515 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Караганда

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Central-Kazakhstan Academy (CCP) is an institution of higher education that trains highly qualified specialists, where training is conducted on the basis of the best traditions...

Набор открыт
~ 317 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is one of the leading institutes in Central Asia. It is situated in the heart of Almaty City, Kazakhstan. In 2003 Abai University had a...

Набор открыт
~ 2 084 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Central Asian University was established in 1997 in Almaty. The founder, president and first rector of the University is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aliev Zhumatay Alievich. In...

Набор открыт
~ 1 080 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Семей

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The University trains the specialists of the broad spectrum of acclaimed professions in the areas such as socio-humanitarian, natural, technical, agricultural sciences, business an...

Набор открыт
~ 1 090 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Усть-Каменогорск

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Kazakh-American Free University is a private institution of international partnership. In the solemn ceremonies of his opening and awarding diplomas, the first graduates were p...

Набор открыт
~ 1 300 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Актау

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

In 1976 it was opened as a general technical faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V. I. Lenin (KazPTI named after VI Lenin) in the city of Shevchenko (now - Akta...

Набор открыт
~ 1 016 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Кызылорда

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The mission of the university is to improve the formation of a modern scientific and educational environment in which the training of highly qualified personnel on the principles o...

Набор открыт
~ 475 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Павлодар

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrova is one of the largest universities in Kazakhstan, which is the center of education, science and culture not only in the Pavlodar region, b...

Набор открыт
~ 571 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Жезказган

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurova is a dynamically developing educational, scientific and cultural center of the Zhezkazgan region, whose activities include a wide...

Набор открыт
~ 1 449 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Талдыкорган

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Non-commercial joint-stock company “Zhetysu University named after Ilyas Zhansugurov” is a regional, multidisciplinary Kazakhstani university working in the system of higher and po...

Набор открыт
~ 1 090 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Костанай

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Kostanay State University named after Ahmet Baitursynov was founded in August 1992. Now Kostanay State University named after Ahmet Baitursynov is one of the largest universities i...

Набор открыт
~ 754 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Павлодар

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The object and purpose of the Institute's activities is to improve the qualifications of the pedagogical staff of the education system of the region, to raise the level of professi...

Набор открыт
~ 629 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations was founded in 1994 on the initiative of M. Besbayev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. It is characterized by intensive de...

Набор открыт
~ 1 120 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan is a higher educational institution of Kazakhstan. It provides professional training...

Набор открыт
~ 1 390 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

BAS University opened its doors in 2009 and today it is the leading Center for training IT-technologies and advanced training in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since the foundation of...

Набор открыт
~ 476 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

Mission of the Kainar Academy - Quality education today, a secure future - tomorrow! That is, being a versatile university, it provides quality competitive educational services in...

Набор открыт
~ 1 518 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Шымкент

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

South Kazakhstan State University. M.Auezov is the largest and versatile university of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific, educational, intellectual, cultural center of the reg...

Набор открыт
~ 509 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Алматы

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute was opened on August 15, 1944. Among the graduates of the Institute there are a lot of those who adequately represented and represent...

Набор открыт
~ 1 472 $ / год

Master of Psychology

Казахстан, Уральск

Магистр Психология 2 года Очная

The university is today an institute of economy and management, culture and art institute, faculties: natural-mathematical, pedagogical, philological, history and law, college, the...

Набор открыт
~ 1 337 $ / год

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