Список программ по вашим критериям
Показано 1 – 4 из 4 результатов.
General PracticeNursing
Литва, Клайпеда
Литва, Алитус
Purpose of the study programme Develop a professional who is able to to nurse a healthy or sick person in family and community at different levels of personal health care: socia...
General Practice Nursing
Литва, Каунас
General Practice Nursing students have a lot of clinical trainings, professional internships take place in first-level practice centres, second-level hospitals, and third-level hos...
Bachelor of Nursing
Литва, Утена
Utena College was established in accordance with the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in 2000. August 30 Resolution No. 999 "On the Approval of the Procedure for the Establi...