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Показано 21 – 40 из 359 результатов.
Bachelor of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
Мексика, Pueblo Nuevo
Linda Vista University is a nonprofit institution sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and grounded in the Word of God. It operates its educational model through competent...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Четумаль
The Chetumal Technological Institute ( ITCH ) is a public institution of higher education located in Chetumal , Quintana Roo , Mexico . Currently, the Chetumal Technological Instit...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Мехико
For their preparation and mentality of loyal and committed triumphers, they work both in the private sector and in the public sector. We offer careers with quarterly plan (three y...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Акапулько
The mission of the Loyola University of the Pacific is to train academically men and women, from the Ignatian humanism, who contribute responsibly to sustainable development in the...
Bachelor of Administration
To offer quality services in higher technological education, training professionals through an integral educational model, which allows the development of professional skills with...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Сан-Луис-Потоси
Founded in 1994, by Santiago Salas de León, an idealist, Marxist, economist and guerrilla who sought the welfare of Mexican citizens. Development Open University, institution of ad...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Матаморос
Universidad Nuevo Santander is a higher education institution that provides comprehensive training based on the development of human potential, recognizing in each of its abilities...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Тласкала
The Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, was able to be constituted a November 20, 1976, being Governor of the State Emilio Sánchez Piedras and President of the Republic Luis Echever...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Сьюдад-Виктория
International University of the Americas (UIA) is an institution of Independent Higher Education University, of private character. It offers and promotes university education in th...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Исукар-де-Матаморос
The Technological University of Izúcar de Matamoros emerged in 1997 as a response to the growing demand for access to higher education levels in the Mixteca Baja Poblana. It was cr...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Гвадалахара
On December 12, 1994, the University of Special- ity was born, with the mission of training individuals willing and committed to building a prosperous country. Initially we started...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Толука-де-Лердо
The University Mexiquense's main objective is to be an institution of higher education that provides professional training of excellence and advanced research programs. For that, i...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Гвадалахара
The educational concern is a constant in the history of western Mexico, a field in which famous battles were fought. In this trajectory the work of Father Santiago Méndez Bravo is...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Мехико
Teaching is the gift of sharing, guiding, advising and understanding human beings eager for self-improvement, growth and sincere responsible citizenship. Teaching becomes an art. T...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Веракрус
The Autonomous University of Veracruz Villa Rica was born in response to the need to increase the educational offer in the State of Veracruz. The university began activities in 197...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Оахака-де-Хуарес
In 1993 the "José Vasconcelos" University of Oaxaca was founded. The name of the institution could not be other. The egregious figure of Don José is a beacon that illuminates any r...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Chapala
To offer High-level Higher Education with the highest quality, to train professionals with the values, skills and competences necessary to promote technological, economic, social a...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Бока-дель-Рио
Centro de Estudios Veracruz is your best choice to contribute to your daily training and improvement. In the year of 1997 arises the concern on the part of the LD and MAVBR Carlos...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Куэрнавака
We offer quality educational services, which allow our students an integral formation, based on a humanistic philosophy, within the framework of an atmosphere of enthusiasm, collab...
Bachelor of Administration
Мексика, Пуэбла-де-Сарагоса
The Anglo-Hispanic University offers an educational platform that covers the levels of secondary, baccalaureate, bachelor and postgraduate. It seeks the quality of teaching through...